July 29, 2015
The joint-venture consortium of “K” Line LNG Shipping (UK) Limited (“K” Line) and Chandris Hellas Inc. (Chandris) is pleased to announce that it has entered into long-term Time Charter contracts with the BP group for two LNG Carrier newbuildings. The vessels, which will have a capacity of 173,400m3, will be constructed by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. in South Korea. Delivery of the vessels is scheduled for 2018. It is expected that the vessels will primarily be engaged in the transportation of LNG from the Freeport LNG project in Texas, USA.

LNG Carrier owned and managed by “K” Line
Both “K” Line and Chandris are pleased to further develop their relationship with the BP group in the energy transportation sector and also to display its contribution to meet the increasing global demand for LNG transportation services. “K” Line will undertake ship management of the two vessels.