Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) has received “A rank” and has been selected in the “A list” in the CDP[1] survey for the counter-measures against the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) and to mitigate the risks of climate change by CDP. On October 25, the awards ceremony was held at their debriefing session which took place in Tokyo.
More than 5,500 companies have participated, and 193 companies around the world which occupies top 9% of all participants have been selected. 22 Japanese companies have been selected but “K” Line was the only Japanese shipping company selected for the “CDP Climate A list”.
“K” Line has set a long-term environment policy, “K” Line Environmental Vision 2050, which the main goal is to minimize environmental risks of our business.
Based on our above policy, “K” Line has been implementing fuel efficiency for our operating vessels, constructing eco-friendly vessels, expanding the aggregate of the GHG emission data by data collection system called “Eco-track”, and obtaining verification for the GHG emission data from an independent third party for higher reliability and transparency. These results have received credit for our counter-measures towards climate change, and the attitude of considering environmental issues as our management goals.

Capt. Eiji Kadono, the Senior Managing Executive Officer, Marine Sector, Technical and Environmental Affairs Unit
“It is our honor to receive such an outstanding result this year. We will continue our efforts to satisfy the expectations of our stakeholders and gain trust so that we can again be selected next year as well,” said Capt. Eiji Kadono, the Senior Managing Executive Officer in charge of Marine Sector, Technical and Environmental Affairs Unit.
“K” Line Group, as one of the top shipping companies, will continue searching for businesses where more people around the world can contribute to minimize the environmental risks and pursue higher efficiency in the shipping industry which leads to improving corporate value.
CDP[1]: Formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”, is a non-profit organization that was established in London, representing 827 institutional investors with USD100 trillion in invested capital, sends out questionnaires regarding risks and opportunities of climate change, water and forests to major companies and cities. They collect the responses and disclose the scores of their strategies. This is considered as a global index for measuring corporate values and is also utilized as reference for investment.