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Archives for July 2024

BIFA and TT Club deliver advice on maritime container safety

The British International Freight Association (BIFA) used the latest episode in its 2024 webinar series to deliver some key advice on the subject of safety in the container shipping environment.

Keynote speaker at the webinar was Mike Yarwood, managing director of loss prevention at TT Club, a global leader in providing insurance and risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. He was supported by Robert Windsor, BIFA’s member policy & compliance director, with responsibility for advice and information on maritime, road and dangerous goods, BIFA Standard Trading Conditions (STC), as well as legal and insurance matters.

Mike Yarwood, managing director of loss prevention at TT Club

With their extensive expertise, Yarwood and Windsor guided attendees through crucial safety practices in the maritime containerised supply chain.

The webinar covered three key areas, including the proper packing, transport, and unpacking of cargo transport units (CTUs) with attendees gaining insight into best practices to ensure the safe handling of freight containers, an often-overlooked aspect in maritime transport compared to air freight.

Robert Windsor, BIFA’s member policy & compliance director

Furthermore, in addressing the management of hazardous cargoes, the webinar highlighted the dangers of non-declared and mis-declared hazardous cargoes and attendees gained insights into the initial checking of documentation, methods for identifying non-compliant freight; and some steps for regularising cargoes.

Additionally, understanding the importance of accurately weighing cargo to establish the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of the container was addressed as well as its significance to ensuring safe and compliant shipping practices.

BIFA took the opportunity to emphasise the importance of incorporating its Standard Trading Conditions (STC) into contracts to maximise their protective benefits.

Commenting on the webinar, Windsor said: “There have been several widely reported container fires aboard ships, where containerised cargoes may have been the cause of, or contributed to such fires.

“BIFA believes that consistent, widespread and diligent adherence to the CTU Code by all parties within global CTU supply chains would significantly reduce these types of incidents, some of which have resulted in fatalities and serious injuries amongst ships’ crews and shore-side staff.

“Other occurrences, such as container stack failures, vehicle roll-overs, train derailments, internal cargo collapses and incidents of invasive pest contamination, can also be traced to poor packing practices.

“Through activities like this webinar, we hope to foster a greater awareness of the CTU Code and the packing practices and techniques it contains and help to reduce such incidents.”

Yarwood added: “Raising awareness of the myriad risks that permeate the global supply chain, via webinars such as this, is fundamental in influencing the adoption of better practices that will increase the safety, security and sustainability performance of operators. TT Club is grateful to BIFA for providing the platform and access to an engaged audience”.


Notes to editors

Webinar attendees were encouraged to download the following guidance documents to maximise their learning experience:

  • IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of CTU Code | UNECE
  • Cargo Integrity Group – CTU Code: A Quick Guide | TT Club

About BIFA:

The British International Freight Association (BIFA) is the trade association for UK-registered companies engaged in international movement of freight by all modes of transport – air, road, rail, and sea. BIFA represents over 1,650 member companies in the logistics and supply chain management sector.

About TT Club:

Established in 1968, TT Club is a leading provider of insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry, with a mission to make the industry safer, more secure, and more sustainable through comprehensive loss prevention initiatives and expert advisory services, including specialist underwriting, claims management and risk and loss management advice.

“K” LINE selected as a Constituent of FTSE4Good Index Series, FTSE Blossom Japan Index and FTSE Blossom Sector Relative Index

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has been selected as a constituent of the “FTSE4Good Index Series”, one of the leading global indices for ESG investing, for the third year straight and 20th time in total. “K” LINE has also been listed as a constituent of “FTSE Blossom Japan Index” for seven years in a row and “FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index for the third consecutive year respectively, since those indices were initially launched.

Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company), the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, selecting 1,158 companies from developed countries including 263 Japanese companies, and 714 companies from emerging countries. On the other hand, FTSE Blossom Japan Index and FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index reflect the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices (346 companies and 662 companies are selected respectively out of 1,373 constituents of FTSE Japan All Cap Index). These indices have been adopted as a benchmark of ESG investing by Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) in Japan. Those indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

“K” LINE has been addressing sustainability as a priority issue of its corporate management and advancing various initiatives through its business to contribute to solving various social issues, including environmental issues such as reducing emission/decarbonization of both its own and society, as well as protection of biodiversity. Going forward, “K” LINE will continue to pursue growth opportunities and greater corporate value, creating social values through proactive sustainability efforts.

“K” Line : Worldwide Cleanup Activities conforming with World Oceans Day

The “K” LINE Group conducted worldwide cleanup activities during a period before and after World Oceans Day* on June 8, with employees from Group companies joining voluntarily, for the second time following last year.

The Group’s businesses depend on the sea and other natural resources, so we view initiatives to tackle biodiversity conservation in the sea as an important theme in our business activities, along with climate change. The Group started these cleanup activities last year as an opportunity to reconsider marine environmental issues, as the ocean is the main stage for our business activities. This year, more than 330 employees and their families volunteered from 11 Group companies around the world during the roughly two-month period from the end of May to early July around World Oceans Day. They collected garbage on beaches, area around offices, rivers, and other places on land, which is said to account for 70 to 80% of marine plastic. The total volume of garbage collected amounts to about 6,370 liters.

Moving forward, the “K” LINE Group will continue to make every effort to realize one of the Group’s values – contributing to the global environment and a sustainable society – by raising employees’ awareness of environmental conservation through such activities.

* World Oceans Day was established by the United Nations in 2009 to think about and acknowledge the oceans. On this globally recognized day, seaside cleanup activities and educational events are held in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Spotlight on Young Talent – 2024 Young Logistics Professional’s (YLP) Regional Winners announced!

Geneva, 11 July 2024 – FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations and TT Club, the market-leading international freight transport insurer, are excited to unveil this year’s outstanding regional achievers of the Young Logistics Professionals (YLP) Award 2024.

The 2024 regional winners are:

  • Region Africa and Middle East: Nompilo Zulu, SAAFF, South Africa
  • Region Americas: Rashaad Francisco D’Gama Rose, CIFFA, Canada
  • Region Asia-Pacific: Thach Thao Nguyen, VLA, Vietnam
  • Region Europe: Laura Cristin Egerer, DSLV, Germany

FIATA and TT Club proudly announce the winners of this year’s Young Logistics Professionals (YLP) Award, congratulating the four regional champions who have showcased exceptional talent and dedication in the logistics industry. This prestigious competition highlights the profound knowledge and honed skills of young professionals, who represent the future of global logistics.

The YLP Award plays a vital role in nurturing and inspiring the next generation of logistics experts. This year’s submissions were particularly noteworthy, with dissertations that delved deep into the complexities of the global supply chain, offering innovative solutions and demonstrating a strong commitment to excellence.

FIATA and TT Club remain steadfast in their commitment to celebrating the dedication and dynamism of young professionals in the logistics sector. The competition provides invaluable experience and exposure, paving the way for these talented individuals to shape the industry’s future positively. This year, we are thrilled to explore the Region Americas, hosting the regional winners at the FIATA World Congress in Panama.

Panama, with its strategic location as a nexus between North and South America, is a pivotal player in global trade and logistics. The FIATA World Congress in Panama offers the regional winners a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart of the freight forwarding community. They will gain firsthand insights into the Panamanian logistics industry, enhancing their understanding of global supply chains and exploring new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

By participating in this event, the YLP Award winners will not only further their careers but also contribute to the broader logistics community. FIATA and TT Club are honoured to support these young professionals and eagerly anticipate the innovative contributions they will bring to the industry.

We extend our deepest congratulations to the winners and look forward to celebrating their achievements at the FIATA World Congress in Panama.


FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organisation representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 113 Associations Members and more than 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide. Based in Geneva, FIATA is ‘the global voice of freight logistics’

About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. The Club’s services include specialist underwriting, claims management and risk and loss management advice, supported by a global office network. TT Club’s mission is to make the industry safer, more secure and more sustainable.  Established in 1968, TT Club currently services more than 1400 Members – container owners, operators, ports, terminals and logistics companies. Its membership covers the entire logistics journey, working across maritime, road, rail, and air ranging from some of the world’s largest logistics operators to smaller, bespoke companies managing similar risks. The Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. Its average annual customer retention rate is consistently over 95%, with some Members having chosen to insure with the Club for over 50 years. 

TT Club is managed by Thomas Miller – an independent and international provider of insurance, professional and investment services.


Ivca Kaiserova, Senior Manager EMEA Security & Loss Prevention at Amazon, is the 2024 winner of the ‘Young Supply Chain Resilience Professional of the Year’ Award, co-sponsored by the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) and TT Club, the independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry.

In its second year, the award aims to recognise the outstanding young talent excelling in the supply chain security industry and help to promote careers in the sector.

Entrants were asked to produce a 1,500word submission on an innovative cargo security or supply chain resilience initiative they have developed or contributed significantly to, including addressing new or emerging security threats to supply chains.

Ivca’s winning entry was based on her work on ‘The Predictive Threat-Based Design’ – a solution using data sources and other external intelligence data to minimise supply chains losses. The tool analyses all absorbed data and, using machine learning, monitors trends to predict which loads and lanes need to be categorised as A, B or C risks. These
respective categories of risks are then matched with a pre-defined security

“The need for resilient supply chains has never been greater and to make this sustainable, our industry needs to attract new talent, recognise their capabilities, and nurture the next generation of leaders. We are living in a world where economic, geopolitical, health and environmental challenges continue to present unprecedented and diverse challenges. We are also working in a world where the risks to cargo security and supply chain resilience are at their highest level for a generation. Through this award, we can identify people who are rising to these challenges and who are contributing to innovative solutions to tackle these risks, which also include the growing threat posed by organised crime groups,” said Thorsten Neumann, President & CEO of TAPA EMEA.

Josh Finch, Logistics Risk Manager, TT Club, added: “We congratulate Ivca on her great achievement. TT Club is proud to support TAPA EMEA in sponsoring this award. The entries demonstrated a vast array of innovative ideas and methods of ensuring supply chain resilience, all of which are to be commended. For TT, it is vital to celebrate young talent in the industry and we want to make sure that these individuals have the resources and encouragement to innovate, collaborate, and strive for ever greater levels of security throughout the supply chain sector.”

The application process for the 2025 ‘Young Supply Chain Resilience Professional of the Year’ Award will open at the end of Q1 next year.

TAPA EMEA was formed in 2000 to tackle the multi-billion euro problem of cargo thefts from supply chains. Today, it boasts over 900 member companies in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region, including many of the world’s biggest manufacturers and logistics service providers as well as leading SME freight forwarding and transport operators, insurers, law enforcement agencies, security service providers, and other stakeholders. TAPA EMEA is working to minimise cargo losses and increase supply chain resilience by helping its member companies top understand and manage risks.

TAPA EMEA achieves this through the development and application of its global supply chain Security Standards, collating and sharing of cargo crime incident intelligence, training, networking and through its support of, and collaboration with law enforcement agencies, governmental and regulatory bodies. For more information go to

About TT Club
TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. The Club’s services include specialist underwriting, claims management and risk and loss management advice, supported by a global office network. TT Club’s mission is to make the industry safer, more secure and more sustainable. Established in 1968, TT Club currently services more than 1400 Members – container owners, operators, ports, terminals and logistics companies. Its membership covers the entire logistics journey, working across maritime, road, rail, and air ranging from some of the world’s largest logistics operators to smaller, bespoke companies managing similar risks. The Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. Its average annual customer retention rate is consistently over 95%, with some Members having chosen to insure with the Club for over 50 years.

TT Club is managed by Thomas Miller – an independent and international provider of insurance, professional and
investment services.

Grundfos awards GEODIS Indirect Sustainability Award 2024 at their Annual Supplier Awards

Grundfos is one of the world’s leading water technology companies with a mission to deliver solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges. The Grundfos Supplier Awards celebrate strong partnerships built on a foundation of trusted collaboration recognizing suppliers who have gone above and beyond in 2023. The annual awards are both a reminder of and testimony to these partnerships, which are built on mutual respect, shared values and a commitment to excellence.

Grundfos, Bjerringbro, June 27th 2024

Photo caption from left :
Gijs Smit, Grundfos Chief Category Manager,
Hatice Guclu, GEODIS Global Account Manager,
Ulrik Gernow, Grundfos Group Executive Vice President & COO,
Onno Boots, GEODIS Regional President & CEO, APAC & Middle East,
Silvio Vanzo, Grundfos Chief Purchasing Officer,
Virginie Delcroix, GEODIS Executive Vice President Group Sustainable Development,
Jens Draborg, GEODIS Operational Global Account Manager
Chiara Sabbadin, Grundfos, Senior Purchasing Director, Indirect Purchasing
Zoran Kohuth, Grundfos, Global Director Purchasing Excellence

The global partnership between GEODIS and Grundfos spans 38 years. GEODIS provides Grundfos with end-to-end logistics services, air and ocean freight as well as warehousing services around the world. Since the beginning of 2022, GEODIS has been working closely with Grundfos to reduce CO2 emission on port-to-port sea freight through the use of the GEODIS Sustainable Marine Fuel insetting program which covers 100% of the CO2 emissions. As a result of these efforts, Grundfos has achieved a reduction of 6,500 tons of carbon emissions in 2023 and 2022.

”Our suppliers play a crucial role in helping us achieve our goals, innovate, and deliver exceptional products to our customers worldwide. We continuously raise the bar for excellence, particularly in sustainability and quality. This means that our requirements for suppliers are also becoming increasingly stringent”, says Grundfos Chief Purchasing Officer, Silvio Vanzo, “We are committed to professionalizing our supplier collaboration processes and are immensely grateful to have such outstanding suppliers like GEODIS who share and support our ambitions. Together, we are driving progress, sustainability, and success, creating a brighter future for everyone involved.”

“We are deeply honored to receive the Indirect Sustainability award. We are fully committed to a process of reducing our carbon emissions through the application of a science-based approach. We recognize the significant impact that logistics and transportation activities can have on the environment. We are also very aware that there is much to be done and we would like to thank Grundfos for the opportunity to collaborate and advance our efforts in developing responsible and sustainable logistics.”, said Virginie Delcroix, Executive Vice President Group Sustainable Development, GEODIS.

Regional President & CEO, GEODIS APAC & Middle East, Onno Boots, said, “Since 1986, GEODIS has proudly partnered with Grundfos, delivering end-to-end logistics globally. Our collaboration is characterized by innovative solutions, such as our Sustainable Marine Fuel program. Committed to sustainability, we have ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by our fleets of vehicles and our buildings by 42% and the carbon intensity of subcontracted transport by 30% by 2030. Through the partnership with Grundfos, we are setting new standards in sustainable logistics, driving mutual growth and environmental stewardship.”

GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53 000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group. 

The American Club’s Report and Accounts for 2023

New York, July, 2024 – The American Club has released its Annual Report and Accounts for 2023. As the unprecedented disruptions of the recent past began at last to subside, 2023 was a year of encouraging transition for the American Club:

 – Tonnage and premium grew considerably and pricing power improved.
 – Claims for its Members’ own account moderated, although exposure to other clubs’ Pool losses increased from the unusually low levels of the previous year.
 – Solid investment returns were achieved, as markets recovered from the troughs of 2022.
 – Loss prevention and sustainability initiatives continued energetically within the realm of a post-pandemic, seafarer-centric and evolving claims environment.
 – Amidst continuing and new geopolitical turmoil, the Club’s compliance processes adapted and met the ever-increasing challenges associated with navigating the multi-jurisdictional sanctions environment.
 – Eagle Ocean Marine made progress, consolidating its policy of careful risk selection coupled with prudent rates of premium. Supplementary calls were levied to fortify the Club’s finances.

While onerous regulatory demands and geopolitical uncertainties continue to complicate commerce, the Club looks to the future with optimism, having experienced a positive 2024 renewal season, despite the headwinds of an S&P rating downgrade and other challenges. As its steady transition into calmer operating conditions gains ground, the Club remains focused on its enduring mission to provide exceptional support to its Members and Insureds in these turbulent times

Access the full report.