Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), along with JERA Co., Inc. (JERA), Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), and other partners, collaboratively operates an LNG bunkering business for LNG-fueled vessels in the Chubu region through joint venture companies*1.
On November 5, 2024, approximately four years after the launch of business operation in October 2020, the LNG bunkering vessel “Kaguya”*2 owned by the joint venture achieved its 100th ship-to-ship *3 LNG bunkering operation *4 in Mikawa Bay.

The joint venture is striving to expand its bunkering service to meet increasing demand of LNG as marine fuel in the Chubu region, arising from ever-growing global fleet of LNG-fueled vessels including “K”LINE’s “CENTURY HIGHWAY GREEN”*5, an LNG-fueled car carrier. By promoting the use of LNG as marine fuel through this project, “K” LINE contribute to reducing environmental load to the society.
In “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 -Blue Seas for the Future-*6, “K” LINE has set the 2030 interim target of improving CO2 emissions efficiency by 50% compared with 2008, surpassing the IMO target of a 40% improvement. Furthermore, “K” LINE sets its new target for 2050 as “The Challenge of Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions.” As an action plan, “K” LINE will continue to support the low-/decarbonization of ourselves and society.
(*1) Central LNG Shipping Japan Corporation and Central LNG Marine Fuel Japan Corporation
(*2) Kaguya
This is the first LNG bunkering vessel operating in Japan, having commenced operation in October 2020. The name of the vessel is inspired from the “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” considered the oldest story in Japan. It also reflect the aspiration for the LNG bunkering market to grow as tall and endure like bamboo.
(*3) Ship-to-Ship Bunkering
A method of supplying LNG fuel in which an LNG bunkering vessel comes alongside an LNG-fueled vessel to supply LNG while it is moored at a quay or pier or anchored at designated location.
(*4) Characteristics of LNG as marine fuel
Compared to heavy fuel oil, it is expected to cut sulfur oxide (SOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions by about 100%, nitrogen oxides (NOx) by up to 80%, and carbon dioxide (CO2) by about 30%. It is held to be a promising marine fuel that can replace heavy fuel oil in response to tightened international ship emission regulations.
A next-generation eco-friendly car carrier delivered on March 12, 2021. It continues to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by using LNG as fuel.
(*6) “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050: Blue Seas for the Future
The revision in November 2021 sets CO2 reduction milestones for 2030, in excess of the IMO target, and includes “introduction of LNG-fueled vessels” and “commercialization of LNG bunkering” in the action plan.
[Related Press Release]
September 18, 2020: Naming Ceremony Held for Japan’s First LNG Bunkering Vessel
March 16, 2021:Ship-to-ship Bunkering to the LNG-fueled Vessel CENTURY HIGHWAY GREEN