Transport communications

Portcare International is the press relations consultancy for the shipping and logistics industry. Formed by transport people for transport people. We can truly claim to understand our clients’ needs and ‘talk the same language’. Portcare provide effective, value for money PR to some of the industry’s best-known names.

Customs4trade receive ISO 21001:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 certification

In a bid to continuously monitor and maximise security for customers and employees, C4T are pleased to announce that they have received their ISO 27001:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 certification, the internationally recognised standard for security and compliance, specifying

requirements for an organisation’s quality management system (QMS) and information security management system (ISMS). Receiving the ISO certifications demonstrates that C4T has invested in its people, processes, technology, and quality.

“We are extremely proud of this achievement and committed to maintaining the highest available security standards to protect our customers and employees. Being accredited with the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification is a vital step in this process and further validates our commitment to good governance and information security and quality, and we look forward to continuing to serve our clients and employees with the highest security and quality standards” Rupert Spiegelberg, CEO.

ISO 9001 is a national standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) to help businesses become more efficient to improve customer satisfaction.

ISO 27001 certification for information security and privacy best practices. 

For more information on the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification, please visit

About Customs4trade (C4T)

C4T has an unique team of customs experts and best-of-breed technology engineers and has developed CAS, a one-of-a-kind software solution for customs and trade compliance. Managed Customs Services have been added to this product offering, helping companies make the most of their software investment.

CAS is a collaborative hub, built on the Microsoft Azure platform and delivered as a service (SaaS). It is designed to manage regional and worldwide customs and trade compliance quickly and accurately, within one single platform. CAS provides customers with continual updates and feature enhancements, including the incorporation of any changes to legislation and compliance regulation—along with Azure’s signature accessibility, scalability, and security.

Forward-thinking companies are turning to C4T to help them navigate customs and trade with native-cloud software and managed services for their organisation’s highest strategic benefit.  

For more information or to contact the company, please visit    

GEODIS announces plans to acquire trans-o-flex to further develop its integrated freight network in Germany / GEODIS gibt Pläne zur Übernahme von trans-o-flexbekannt, um sein integriertes Frachtnetz in Deutschland weiter auszubauen

GEODIS has signed an agreement to acquire trans-o-flex, a leading company in the premium express sector in Germany specialized in temperature controlled transport for pharmaceutical products as well as in time definite delivery of products for cosmetics, automotive and high-tech industries. Since 2016 the company is owned by the families Schoeller and Amberger who have invested to scale it up to a leading specialized distribution player.

Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS, said: “The acquisition of trans-o-flex is a key step forward enabling us to increase our footprint in Germany. It is consistent with our ambition to strengthen our global end-to-end logistics solutions to support our customers’ growth and geographic development. This acquisition will position GEODIS as a leading player in the healthcare market and will significantly enhance our delivery capabilities in Germany, a country at the heart of global trade. We have been impressed by the expertise and the commitment to the highest quality of service of trans-o-flex’s management team. We welcome the trans-o-flex team to GEODIS and together we believe we can further support our customers on both sides by combining our respective and complementary strengths in Germany, in Europe and globally. In order to achieve this, we have agreed with Christoph Schoeller, who is currently trans-o-flex’s Chairman of the Advisory Board, Vice-Chairman of the supervisory board and shareholder with Peter Amberger, that he will remain as Vice-Chairman of the new supervisory board presided by myself.”

Founded in 1971, trans-o-flex operates Germany’s largest temperature-controlled distribution network specializing in healthcare, handling both parcels and pallets. Trans-o-flex is headquartered in Germany and has recently expanded its activity in Austria, which offers opportunities for further developments. Trans-o-flex employs around 2,000 people across 77 hubs and local agencies which enable the company to offer Express logistics solutions throughout Germany.

Christoph Schoeller and Peter Amberger, representatives of the shareholders said:” Since we acquired trans-o-flex in 2016, the company has further established its leadership in the temperature-control healthcare and premium Express delivery through its widely-recognized quality network and its high reliability of service throughout Germany and Austria. This has been achieved under the leadership of Wolfgang P. Albeck, trans-o-flex’s CEO who has built an expert team of people around him with a unique “can do” attitude and commitment to highest customer satisfaction. We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation to Wolfgang Albeck and his team. We have no doubt they will continue to be engaged in delivering highest performances when joining GEODIS.”

Christoph Schoeller adds: “I am glad to be part of the continuation of the success story of trans-o-flex as vice-chairman of the supervisory board. Together with GEODIS, we will scale the trans-o-flex model internationally and thus further increase the benefits for our customers.”

The closing of this deal will be effective after completion of the usual regulatory approvals.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.

GEODIS gibt Pläne zur Übernahme von trans-o-flexbekannt, um sein integriertes Frachtnetz in Deutschland weiter auszubauen

GEODIS hat eine Vereinbarung zur Übernahme von trans-o-flex unterzeichnet, einem führenden Unternehmen im Bereich des Premium-Expresstransports in Deutschland, das auf den temperaturgeführten Transport pharmazeutischer Produkte sowie die zeitgenaue Lieferung von Produkten für die Kosmetik- und Hightechindustrie spezialisiert ist. Seit 2016 gehört das Unternehmen den Familien Schoeller und Amberger, die in den Ausbau der Firma zu einem führenden spezialisierten Logistikunternehmen investiert haben.

Marie-Christine Lombard, Vorstandsvorsitzende von GEODIS, erklärte in diesem Zusammenhang: „Die Übernahme von trans-o-flex ist ein wichtiger Schritt nach vorn, der es uns ermöglicht, unsere Präsenz in Deutschland auszuweiten. Sie steht im Einklang mit unserem Bestreben, unsere globalen End-to-End-Logistiklösungen zu stärken, um das Wachstum und die geografische Entwicklung unserer Kunden zu unterstützen. Dank der Übernahme wird GEODIS sich als führender Akteur im Gesundheitsmarkt positionieren, während sich unsere Lieferkapazitäten in Deutschland, einem Land im Zentrum des weltweiten Handels, deutlich verbessern. Wir sind von der Kompetenz und dem Engagement des Managementteams von trans-o-flex für Spitzenleistungen in der Servicequalität beeindruckt. Wir heißen das Team von trans-o-flex bei GEODIS herzlich willkommen und sind der Überzeugung, dass wir unsere Kunden gemeinsam noch besser unterstützen können, indem wir unsere sich ergänzenden Stärken, in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit miteinander kombinieren. In diesem Bestreben haben wir mit Christoph Schoeller, dem derzeitigen Beiratsvorsitzenden und stellvertretenden Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden von trans-o-flex, gemeinsam mit Peter Amberger, Aktionär der Gesellschaft, vereinbart, Herrn Schoeller zum stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des neuen, unter meinem Vorsitz geführten Aufsichtsrats zu ernennen.“

Das 1971 gegründete Unternehmen trans-o-flex betreibt Deutschlands größtes temperaturgeführtes Distributionsnetz, das auf das Gesundheitswesen und den Transport von Paketen und ganzen Paletten spezialisiert ist. Trans-o-flex hat seinen Hauptsitz in Deutschland, und hat in Österreich weiter expandiert, um die dortigen Möglichkeiten für die Weiterentwicklung zu nutzen. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt rund 2.000 Mitarbeitende an 77 Hubs und lokalen Standorten, die es ermöglichen, für ganz Deutschland einen Express-Versand anzubieten.

Christoph Schoeller und Peter Amberger, Vertreter der Aktionäre, erklärten dazu: „Seit der Übernahme von trans-o-flex] im Jahr 2016 hat das Unternehmen seine Führungsposition in der temperaturgeführten Express-Lieferung für Arzneitmittel und Premiumprodukte dank seines anerkannten Qualitätsnetzes und seiner hohen Servicezuverlässigkeit in Deutschland und Österreich beständig ausgebaut. Dies wurde unter der Leitung von Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO von trans-o-flex, erreicht, der um sich herum ein Expertenteam mit einer einzigartigen „Can-Do“-Einstellung und der Verpflichtung zu höchster Kundenzufriedenheit aufgebaut hat. Wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, um Herrn Albeck und seinem Team unsere tiefste Anerkennung auszusprechen und haben keinen Zweifel daran, dass sie sich bei GEODIS auch weiterhin für Höchstleistungen einsetzen werden. Ich freue mich, als stellvertretender Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender an der Fortsetzung der Erfolgsgeschichte von trans-o-flex mitwirken zu dürfen. Gemeinsam mit GEODIS werden wir das Geschäft von trans-o-flex international skalieren und damit den Nutzen für unsere Kunden weiter maximieren.“, so Christoph Schoeller.

Der Abschluss der Transaktion wird nach Erteilung der üblichen behördlichen Genehmigungen wirksam.


GEODIS ist ein weltweit führender Transport- und Logistikdienstleister, bekannt für sein Engagement, die logistischen Herausforderungen seiner Kunden zu meistern. Mit seinem auf Wachstum ausgerichteten Serviceangebot (Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express und Road Transport), in Verbindung mit einem globalen Netzwerk, welches weltweit fast 170 Länder umfasst, erreicht GEODIS Top-Platzierungen unter den Logistikdienstleistern: #1 in Frankreich, #7 weltweit. GEODIS beschäftigte mehr als 44.000 Mitarbeiter und erwirtschaftete einen Umsatz von 10,9 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2021.

“K” LINE enters into long-term contracts with Northern Lights for two liquefied CO2 vessels

~ World’s first full scale CCS project ~

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) and Northern Lights JV DA have signed Bare Boat Charter and Time Charter contracts for two 7,500 m3 liquefied CO2 ships. The ships will be delivered in 2024 and will contribute to the world’s first full-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain.

The London-based subsidiary “K” LINE LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd. will undertake the management of two ships transporting liquefied CO2 from industrial emitters, including the Norcem Brevik and Hafslund Oslo Celsio carbon capture facilities, to the Northern Lights CO2 receiving terminal in Øygarden, Norway.

““K” LINE has deep experience in liquefied gas transport and a strong safety and environmental track record. We are pleased to partner with “K” LINE in operationalising this innovative value chain”, said Børre Jacobsen, Managing Director of Northern Lights.

CO2 transport is a key component to connect industrial emitters in Europe to suitable and safe CO2 storage sites such as the one operated by Northern Lights in the North Sea. Northern Lights offers a ship-based solution that provides flexibility to reach emitters across Europe.

Shipping is a scalable CO2 transport solution that is well-suited for sailing distances in Europe. Developing a flexible shipping solution as part of the world’s first cross-border CO2 transport and storage network, Northern Lights contributes to the development of a market for CO2 storage.

“We are honoured to participate in the Northern Lights project and contribute to the decarbonisation of industry. We have been able to develop a new field by making use of our decades of know-how in liquefied gas transport”, said Yukikazu Myochin, President and CEO of “K” LINE.

Northern Lights and “K” LINE will jointly establish operational procedures for safe transportation of liquefied CO2. The ships are classified by DNV and will be registered in Norway and operated under Norwegian (NOR) flag by mainly Norwegian shipboard personnel.

About Northern Lights

Northern Lights is developing an open and flexible infrastructure to transport CO2 from industrial emitters by ship to a receiving terminal in western Norway for intermediate storage, before being transported by pipeline for permanent storage in a geological reservoir 2,600 meters under the seabed. Operations are scheduled to start in 2024. The facilities are under construction and will enable Northern Lights to offer a safe and reliable shipping and storage service to industrial emitters from across Europe. With increased interest from industrial sectors in Europe, additional shipping and storage capacity will be developed as demand grows. Northern Lights JV DA is a registered, incorporated General Partnership with Shared Liability (DA) owned equally by Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies.

About Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE)

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) founded in 1919 is one of the largest shipping companies in the world. “K” LINE has a long history and diversified track-record in ownership and technical management of liquefied gas carriers since delivering its first LPG carrier in 1974 and first LNG carrier in 1983. Based on such extensive experience of safe navigation and cargo operation of liquefied gas carriers, “K” LINE will contribute to safety and reliable liquefied CO2 transportation in the new CCS market. “K” LINE Group, as a globally trusted logistics company rooted in the shipping industry, will continue to work toward realizing low-carbon and carbon-free business operations and supporting decarbonization of society as a whole in order to realize a sustainable society and increase its corporate value, based on its corporate philosophy of “helping make the lives of people more affluent”.


Northern Lights Liquefied CO2 vessel (Provided by Northern Lights JV DA.)

Dimensions and Characteristics

Cargo tank capacity    : 7,500㎥

Length overall             :130m

Breadth                       :21.2m

Draft                            :7.5m

Solar Power Generation System Installed at Seafarers’ Training Facility in Philippines

– Aiming to be an even more environmentally friendly company using renewable energy –

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) announced that its overseas subsidiary had installed a solar power generation system on the roof of building named Ocean Breeze (“the Building”) which was constructed in 2018 to strengthen and expand our seafarer’s training facility “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines (“KLMA”) in Pasay, Metro Manila. Such system will cover the electricity usage of KLMA, which is located adjacent to Ocean Breeze Building.

KLMA is a comprehensive training facility that provides education and training using real equipment not only for Filipino seafarers but also for seafarers of all nationalities on “K” LINE-operated vessels. The facility is equipped with a latest ship handling simulator, an engine room simulator, and a platform that replicates an engine room for hazard simulation training. The Ocean Breeze building was fully furnished in March 2018 with a clinic for seafarers equipped with latest medical equipment and accommodations for 225 trainees and ready to receive 10,000 trainees per year. After the spread of COVID-19, the accommodations were also used as pre-boarding isolation facility and vaccination center. KLMA has been in operation since its predecessor, “K” Line Maritime Training Corporation (KMTC, established in 1993) and will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2023.

Handover ceremony

The region has a mild climate and long hours of sunshine throughout the year, and the Building is located in a sunny seaside area. The system has the capacity to generate more than 150 kWh of electricity required for KLMA’s use.

On December 8th, the handover ceremony for the system was solemnly held with the attendance of Yukikazu Myochin (President) and Kiyotaka Aya (Senior Managing Executive Officer) from “K” LINE, and Sadakatsu Hiramatsu, President of Shimizu Philippines Contractors, Inc. and the handover was successfully completed.

“K” LINE Group will continue its efforts to reduce its negative environmental impact, both at sea and shore.

Facilities overview

“K” Line resume face-to-face team-building activities for seafarers in the Philippines

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) resumed team-building activities for seafarers in the Philippines, one of the major seafarer supplier countries, hosted by our related ship management companies in December which include seminars for LNG officers, a long-service award ceremony, and a Christmas event to which families were also invited, after refraining from face-to-face activities due to the global spread of COVID-19 that began in early 2020. Many of “K” LINE’s executives, including President Yukikazu Myochin, were in attendance.

President Yukikazu Myochin also visited the Maritime Industry Authority of the Philippines (MARINA) and met with Administrator Attorney Hernani N. Fabia, who reaffirmed “K” LINE’s policy of further strengthening educational activities for Filipino seafarers.

“K” LINE Group has decided to resume face-to-face events gradually, while keeping a close eye on COVID-19 situation. By building strong sense of mutual understanding with seafarers, who are the essential workers responsible for global marine transportation not only in the Philippines but around the world, and their families through face-to-face interaction, we aim to instill and mature our corporate culture (safety culture), which will lead to safe operations and the provision of high-quality transportation services.

Award Ceremony

Dachser UK focuses on the needs of the DIY industry

Northampton, 14 December, 2022

The experienced Dachser UK marketeer, Peter Vickers has been appointed Business Development Manager with responsibility for DIY logistics solutions in a move designed to bring the industry solution into even greater focus for the specialist in European distribution and logistics, the second largest in the sector in the groupage market segment.

Peter Vickers, Sales Manager Midlands

The DIY or home and garden improvement market received a significant boost during the pandemic. At the same time, the supply chains for the industry are more global than almost any other and products are very seasonal. To help suppliers and retailers in the sector respond to the challenges associated with the spike in market growth, the special requirements, and the appreciable swing towards e-commerce as a route to market for their products, Dachser UK now also offers the industry solution service from DACHSER DIY Logistics.

In announcing Vickers’ new appointment, Mark Cosgrove, Dachser UK’s Regional Sales and Commercial Manager said, “At Dachser, we have developed the DACHSER DIY logistics solution tailored to the home improvement sector already twenty years ago. Today, we handle nearly eight million associated shipments across the company as a whole. With Peter’s experience and marketing skills, we aim to develop this business in the UK and expand our share of this trade even more.”

A smooth and uninterrupted global flow of goods, bundled deliveries into the markets and, above all, maximum transparency of the product’s supply flow is key to efficient management of the fast-moving DIY market dynamics. Whether variations in routing, volumes, delivery criteria or unexpected disruptions that may occur, detailed knowledge of a shipment’s status is vital in maintaining a DIY supplier’s competitive advantage.

“Throughout my fifteen-year career with Dachser in various industry solutions such as DACHSER Chem Logistics and DACHSER Fashion Logistics, I have understood the crucial nature of shipment transparency; our customers expect it and rely on us to provide it. Orders are tracked from all over the world and retailers can locate them all the way to the hook in their outlets,” says Vickers.

“Logistics services for DIY and garden markets is a vital part of Dachser´s business and for me it´s good now to be back in DIY helping to continue our UK growth in the sector.”

About Dachser:

Dachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customized services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter is divided into two business lines, Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions round out the company’s offerings. A seamless shipping network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems provide for intelligent logistics solutions worldwide.

Thanks to some 31,800 employees at 376 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 7.1 billion in 2021. The same year, the logistics provider handled a total of 83.6 million shipments weighing 42.8 million metric tons. Dachser is represented by its own country organizations in 42 countries on five continents.

For more information about Dachser, please visit

“K” LINE Selected for the 7th consecutive year on the “A List”, the highest rating in the CDP “Climate Change”

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) was selected as an “A List” company for 2022, the highest rating in the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire, on December 13th.

This is the seventh consecutive year that “K” LINE has been selected as an “A List” company, after being selected an “A List” company in 2016, in recognition of its leadership in transparency and performance in corporate sustainability on climate change.

CDP is an international non-profit organization (NGO) headquartered in London that works with more than 680 institutional investors worldwide with assets totaling US$130 trillion under management in 2022. Each year, CDP sends a questionnaire to companies regarding climate change risks and opportunities and their responses. The results of the survey are then used to evaluate the companies on an 8-grade scale (A List being the highest rating). The results of the survey are used as a universal indicator to measure corporate value.

Our long-term environmental guideline named “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 (Note 1), sets our own GHG reduction targets that exceed those of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), and promotes activities for the low-carbon and decarbonization of our company and society as part of the long-term management vision in our medium-term management plan.

Specifically, we are actively working to reduce GHG emissions through the introduction of LNG-fueled vessels and advanced initiatives such as the installation of the “Seawing” automated kite system, as well as through various councils and demonstration projects for the practical use of ammonia/hydrogen fueled zero-emission vessels. We are aware that our efforts to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities through the operation of our environmental management system have been highly evaluated.

This year, the number of companies certified as “A List” companies for CDP Climate Change is 283 worldwide, 74 for Japanese companies including “K” LINE.(200 worldwide, 55 for Japanese companies in 2021)

As a globally trusted logistics company rooted in the shipping industry, “K” LINE Group will continue to work to reduce its environmental impact in order to realize a sustainable society and increase its corporate value, based on its corporate philosophy of “contributing to the enrichment of people’s lives”.

(Note 1) Please see the following for details of our “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050.

Dachser sets the course for air and sea freight

Dr. Tobias Burger to succeed Edoardo Podestà as COO Air & Sea Logistics, effective January 1, 2024. Successors are also lined up to manage the ASL EMEA and ASL APAC business units.

Dr. Tobias Burger

Kempten, December 9, 2022 – Dachser is setting the course for future growth in its Air & Sea Logistics (ASL) business field through long-term succession planning.

Dr. Tobias Burger (45) will succeed Edoardo Podestà (60) as COO Air & Sea Logistics and member of the Executive Board, effective January 1, 2024. After a Dachser career spanning 20 years, a little over four of them at the helm of ASL, Podestà will step down from active working life at the end of 2023.

“Dr. Tobias Burger is an experienced logistics strategist and we are helping him prepare to take his seat on Dachser’s Executive Board. With his holistic, forward-thinking logistics outlook, he will prove a valuable addition to our Executive Board team,” says Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Dachser Supervisory Board. “Dr. Burger will also be in charge of all of Dachser’s marketing activities. This means we will be best placed to proactively address complex market changes, particularly in air and sea freight, and to position ourselves accordingly.”

A former management consultant, Dr. Burger joined Dachser in 2009. He worked in controlling and strategy development before being given responsibility for Corporate Governance. At that time, he was already overseeing the development of air and sea operations toward a seamless global network. As Deputy Director Air & Sea Logistics, Dr. Burger has served as Podestà’s right-hand man since 2019. During this period, he was first put in charge of ASL global sales, a position whose responsibilities currently include strategic development for the entire business field. Since 2021, he has also been leading the ASL EMEA business unit.

Marc Meier to head ASL EMEA from January 1, 2023

Effective January 1, 2023, Dr. Burger will hand over the role of Managing Director ASL EMEA to Marc Meier. To prepare himself for managing the regional business unit, Meier (53) joined Dachser already on October 1, 2022. As a logistics manager whose expertise includes air and sea freight, overland transport, and warehousing, he has built up more than 30 years of international experience in the logistics industry. Together with the owner, he served as CEO of Hamburg-based air freight forwarder Senator International until that company was acquired by Maersk in 2021. Prior to that, he spent over five years as CEO of Fr. Meyer’s Sohn, a forwarding agency specializing in sea freight. He began his career at Kühne + Nagel, where he held various management positions, lastly as President of the Canada country organization.

“In Marc Meier we have gained a seasoned air and sea freight manager with an international reputation. He is the ideal person to guide our ASL business in the EMEA region to a successful future,” says Dachser CEO Burkhard Eling. “And dovetailing this business with our European overland transportation network will lead the way to further growth.”

Roman Müller to take over in ASL APAC from January 1, 2024

Roman Müller

Dachser has also already planned the succession in its ASL APAC business unit. Effective January 1, 2024, Roman Müller (41) will succeed Edoardo Podestà, who has led the regional business unit with great success since 2014, and in conjunction with his other role of COO ASL since 2019. Swiss-born Müller has worked in Asia his entire career. Over the past 15 years, his management positions at Dachser include Manager of the Korea country organization and Senior Sales Manager for the entire APAC region. Since July 2021, he has served as Deputy Director Asia Pacific in the ASL APAC business unit, reporting to Podestà.

“Roman Müller knows the Asian markets and their requirements inside out. In all his previous positions—especially those in sales—he achieved outstanding success and helped advance our presence in Asia,” Eling says. “So he is ideally placed not only to continue the stellar development of the ASL APAC business unit but also to take it to a whole new level by focusing even more on offering integrated services. In 2023, he will work closely with Edoardo Podestà to chart a course for this success.”

Dachser’s Air & Sea Logistics business field employed more than 4,300 people and generated EUR 2.1 billion in revenue in 2021. It operates 139 branches in 36 countries. Dachser’s ASL 3 EMEA business unit comprises 21 country organizations with 71 locations and employs more than 2,100 people. The company’s ASL APAC business unit is represented in 11 countries, with more than 1,500 employees working across 43 locations.

About Dachser

Dachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customized services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter consists of two business lines: Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions round out the company’s range. A seamless shipping network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems ensure intelligent logistics solutions worldwide.

Thanks to some 31,800 employees at 376 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 7.1 billion in 2021. The same year, the logistics provider handled a total of 83.6 million shipments weighing 42.8 million metric tons. Dachser is represented by its own country organizations in 42 countries. For more information about Dachser, please visit

GEODIS gana el premio “Empleador internacional del año 2022” otorgado por Investors In People (IIP) por sus operaciones en España

GEODIS en España ha sido galardonada con el premio “Empleador internacional del año” en la categoría “Plata”, otorgado por IIP. IIP es una norma internacional que evalúa la calidad de gestión de las empresas.

Cada año, IIP premia a las empresas más eficaces en el desarrollo y la implicación de los empleados en la estrategia y la organización de la empresa.

Para conceder estos premios, IIP se basa en una serie de criterios: la capacidad de los directivos de dirigir, inspirar, potenciar e implicar a su personal, así como de recompensar y reconocer el alto rendimiento.

“Este premio es un reconocimiento a las buenas prácticas de gestión y al compromiso de cada uno de nuestros empleados en España. También es fruto del trabajo de nuestros equipos, que se esfuerzan diariamente para satisfacer a nuestros clientes”, ha declarado Ivan Sánchez, director general de GEODIS en España.

GEODIS en España cuenta con la etiqueta IIP «Plata» desde 2021, lo que le ha permitido competir por primera vez en los “Investors In People Awards 2022” y ganar el premio.

En España, la empresa cuenta con 283 empleados en 15 centros.


GEODIS es un proveedor logístico lider a nivel mundial reconocido por su experiencia en todos los aspectos de la cadena de suministro. Como socio de crecimiento de sus clientes, GEODIS se encuentra especializado en cinco líneas de negocio: Optimización de la cadena de suministro, Transporte de mercancías, Logística de contratos, Distribución y transporte urgente, y Transporte por carretera. Con una red global que abarca mas de 170 países y de 44 000 empleados, GEODIS ocupa el puesto número 1 a nivel mundial y 7 en su sector. En 2021, GEODIS generó 10 900 millones de euros en ingresos. 

GEODIS adds to its capacity in Sweden

Leading supply chain provider, GEODIS extends its contract logistics capabilities in Sweden with the addition of a 20,000 sqm warehouse close-by its existing facility at Arendal, near Gothenburg.

Just twelve-months after establishing an operational footprint adjacent to the strategic Swedish port, GEODIS’ contract logistics line of business is expanding its capacity with a second warehouse next door to its existing 16,000 sqm facility.  With all the benefits the location just 12 km west of central Gothenburg can offer, including access to the E6 and E20 highways and the port itself, additionally the extension has a railhead within the property, clearance heights of twelve meters and thirty-five loading docks. The second warehouse will be fully operational as of March 2023.

In introducing the options for customers that the development brings, Managing Director of GEODIS in Scandinavia, Magnus Tornerhjelm said, “Our role in serving our customers contract logistics demands involves a variety of multimodal means of product supply and distribution to ultimate destinations.  Our choice of location and warehouse facilities has been influenced by these dynamics and we are well-placed to access variable transport options.”

GEODIS’ Arendal site will feature cross-dock unloading and loading activities backed by full contract logistics services of inventory control via WMS, re-packaging and distribution throughout the Nordic region.  The two warehouses will operate in harmony and access to the rail mode will be utilized fully whenever it is appropriate. The availability of extra storage capacity will also aid customers of GEODIS’ freight forwarding activities when their own yard resources are exhausted.

GEODIS’ expansion of its contract logistics business has been rapid. Thomas Kraus, GEODIS President & CEO North, East and Central Europe, commented “We are growing our footprint in Sweden in line with customer demand and our strategy for the future development.  Customer reaction to our comprehensive services has been very positive over the last year, and synergies with end-to-end management of customers’ product supply chains offered by our international freight forwarding operations have been most beneficial to them.”

In Sweden, the GEODIS group operates from 8 locations (Helsingborg, Jönköping, Borås, Norrköping, Lund, Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö) and employs 350 employees.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.