Since 2018 Jesper Axell has served as Deputy Managing Director for the GEODIS Sweden organization. He has now been appointed to the role of Managing Director.

Jesper joined GEODIS in 2006 and contributes an extensive knowledge and a strong business acumen derived from several management roles within GEODIS Sweden. Most recently as Deputy Managing Director and National Sales Manager.
The Swedish organization has thrived under Jesper’s leadership and continues to show strong results. Jesper has been a driving force in the re-launch of Contract Logistics in Sweden, developing GEODIS’ local footprint and further securing the company’s position as one of the market leading freight forwarders in Sweden
Jesper will continue to report to the Scandinavian Sub-Regional Managing Director, Magnus Tornerhjelm. “Jesper has handled the day to day running of GEODIS Sweden for the last three years and has been a visible and steady leader throughout a very turbulent and dynamic time in the logistics and shipping industry”, says Magnus Tornerhjelm.
Jesper Axell tillträder rollen som Managing Director för GEODIS Sweden AB
Sedan 2018 har Jesper Axell haft rollen som Deputy Managing Director i GEODIS Sweden AB. Jesper har nu antagit rollen som Managing Director.
Jesper började på GEODIS 2006 och bidrar med omfattande kunskap och ett starkt affärsmannaskap ackumulerat genom flera chefsroller inom GEODIS Sverige. Senast som Deputy Managing Director och National Sales Manager.
Den svenska organisationen har blomstrat under Jespers ledning och fortsätter att visa starka resultat. Jesper har varit en drivande kraft i lanseringen av Contract Logistics i Sverige, utvecklat företagets lokala fotavtryck och ytterligare förstärkt GEODIS position som en av de marknadsledande speditörerna i Sverige.
Jesper kommer fortsatt rapportera till Magnus Tornerhjelm, Scandinavian Sub-Regional Managing Director. “Jesper har skött den dagliga driften av GEODIS Sverige de senaste tre åren och har varit en synlig och stadig ledare under en mycket turbulent och dynamisk tid inom logistik- och sjöfartsbranschen”, säger Magnus Tornerhjelm.
GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.