Transport communications

Portcare International is the press relations consultancy for the shipping and logistics industry. Formed by transport people for transport people. We can truly claim to understand our clients’ needs and ‘talk the same language’. Portcare provide effective, value for money PR to some of the industry’s best-known names.

GEODIS launches new rail connection between Poland and Spain

GEODIS, a leading intermodal operator, has expanded its rail freight services with another fixed schedule connection. As of June 11th, the freight train between Łódź and Barcelona was operable, representing the first direct rail connection between the two countries.

Photo Credit : Franck Vogel

On the inaugural trip customers’ goods in 44 containers and/or swap bodies, each capable of carrying a payload of 26 tons set off from the freight terminal in Łódź, reaching Barcelona after just three days, from where ‘last mile’ distribution will take place by road. Later on that day of arrival, the train returns to Poland with imported goods from Spain. Successive trains have also a capacity of 44 units, replacing the same amount of trucks that might otherwise be used.

The service is another example of GEODIS’ ability to go beyond a pure intermodal offering and provide a truly multimodal option, which combines road transport with rail seamlessly, enabling a secure flow of goods and more flexibility in managing peaks in demand.

Moving more goods safely with less energy consumed.

Delivering goods on rail emits five times less CO2e than covering the same distance by road and is 12 times lower than the equivalent air transport. The rail link allows the delivery of as much as 1,000 tons of goods from various industries.  

The rail route between Łódź and Barcelona, although longer than the road journey by almost 160 km, reduces CO2e emissions by up to -79%. Moreover, energy consumption is around 57% lower.

Dynamic development of rail transport services

In the first stage of the development of this project, the schedule provides for one train per week, leaving Łódź every Tuesday. In the other direction, the train will depart from Barcelona on Fridays.  

“The launch of the new Łódź – Barcelona rail connection provides customers a large number of benefits, as it will enable punctual transportation of shipments, while considerably limiting CO2 emissions,” said Marc Vollet, Chief Operations Officer at GEODIS European Road Network.  “GEODIS is one of the leading intermodal operators, and we are proud to continue in this vein by developing this road-rail solution in Europe, enabling our customers to benefit from even more solutions and optional routings.  We have great ambitions for this new line, as we plan to increase the frequency to two trains per week in the near future.”

This new multimodal block-train is an addition to the existing GEODIS multimodal route network which operates nearly 120 trains a week throughout Europe.

GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53 000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group. 

Dachser puts 15 electric trucks from Renault Trucks into operation

Renault Trucks and Dachser are cooperating on the gradual decarbonization of road freight transport. In total, the logistics service provider is expanding its fleet by fifteen Renault Trucks vehicles. The all-electric trucks complete local and long-distance transport tours at seven Dachser locations in Germany every weekday.

Five Renault Trucks E-Tech D are already in use for Dachser. Seven more vehicles of this type and three Renault Trucks E-Tech T tractors are now being delivered. The latter are used at Dachser in Öhringen, Neuss and Langenhagen.

“We are convinced that in the long term, only those companies that position themselves sustainably will have a future,” says Alexander Tonn, COO Road Logistics at Dachser. “We therefore want to make a valuable contribution to environmental and climate protection and be a driving force for the logistics industry with measures on many levels. Bringing emission-free vehicles into practical use plays an important role in this. With Renault Trucks, we have a reliable partner with whom we can embark on what is still a long journey to decarbonise our road transports.”

As part of its sustainability and climate protection strategy, the logistics service provider Dachser is preparing for the gradual transformation towards zero-emission vehicles and the corresponding charging infrastructure. Since January 1, 2022, the company has been sourcing its electricity entirely from renewable energies worldwide. Dachser wants to steadily increase the number of BEVs (battery electric vehicles) and FCEVs (hydrogen-powered) trucks in both the local and long-distance transport networks, depending on performance, charging infrastructure and cost-effectiveness.

“At Renault Trucks, we are aware that we can only implement a long-term climate protection strategy together,” says Frederic Ruesche. “I am all the more pleased that we are working with Dachser to drive forward the reduction of CO2 emissions in the short- and long-haul segments.”

Renault Trucks is the first and only manufacturer to offer the entire range as all-electric trucks. From the 2.8-tonne light commercial vehicle (LCV) to the 44-tonne truck for long-haul transport, every segment can be operated electrically. In addition, Renault Trucks is the first manufacturer to convert diesel vehicles into electric trucks in the spirit of the circular economy.

About Dachser

With around 34,000 employees at 382 locations worldwide, the family-owned company Dachser generated consolidated sales of around 7.1 billion euros in 2023. The logistics service provider moved a total of 77.4 million shipments weighing 40.0 million tons. Dachser is represented by its own national companies in 43 countries. You can find more information about Dachser at

About Renault Trucks Germany The German market company of the French truck manufacturer Renault Trucks is based in Ismaning near Munich and, as part of Volvo Group Trucks, has a sales and service network of 20 owned and more than 130 partner companies throughout Germany. Renault Trucks has been active in Germany for over 45 years. In France, the commercial vehicle manufacturer has been offering professional transport solutions since 1894: from electric cargo bikes and light commercial vehicles to heavy tractors. Renault Trucks is committed to the energy transition, offering fuel-efficient vehicles and a complete range of 100% electric trucks, whose lifespan is extended through a circular economy concept. Renault Trucks is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment, industrial and marine engines. The group also offers comprehensive financing and service solutions.

GEODIS Denmark is migrating to 100% renewable energy on the electricity consumption

In January of this year GEODIS committed to the Science Based Targets Initiative. GEODIS´ global targets are to reduce our scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions by 42% and to decreasing the carbon intensity of subcontracted transport (scope 3) by 2030 compared to 2022. GEODIS Denmark has just taken the first big step on this reduction journey and switched to 100% renewable energy already from January 2024.

“When we started the process, we were looking for a more low-carbon alternative to what we had before. We chose EWII* and now our electricity is 100% renewable. This means we have reduced our CO2 footprint by almost 40 tons per year. We are very proud to support this very necessary and important initiative and to have taken a significant leap towards reaching our target,” says Kent Husted, Managing Director, GEODIS Denmark.

Under the terms of the EWII certificate, which is valid from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2025, the energy supplier certifies that GEODIS Denmark purchases its entire electricity consumption as renewable electricity. EWII ensures that 100% of the electricity consumption comes from sources such as wind turbines, solar panels, hydroelectric power, and biomass.

In line with its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, GEODIS Denmark has also changed all lighting to LED and bought new computer screens, that use a third less electricity than previous screens. In addition, the company offers four charging points for electric vehicles at each of its branches in Kastrup and Vejle, and is planning to expand this later this year.

“As a company and as an employer, GEODIS places social issues at the heart of its concerns. One of our seven Golden Rules that form the basis of our operations, is “Be a good citizen”. This underlines our efforts to focus on developing low-carbon solutions, reducing the impact of our activities on the environment, and continuously improving the health, safety and well-being of our employees. The EWII certificate is an important step on our journey towards developing environmentally friendly solutions for all our stakeholders,” says Thomas Kraus, Regional President & CEO of GEODIS EUROPE

*The EWII Group is located in Denmark and is the Triangle region’s local energy company, comprising commercial companies under the name of EWII. The object of EWII is to engage in activities relating to infrastructure, such as electricity, water, heating, energy and communication, and related commercial services to create value in the Triangle region, which includes the municipalities of Kolding, Vejen, Middelfart, Fredericia and Vejle. More information on EWII here →

GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group.


I januar 2024 forpligtede GEODIS sig til Science Based Targets-initiative. GEODIS’ globale mål, er at reducere scope 1 og 2 CO2-emissioner med 42% samt at mindske kulstofudledning i vores underleverandørtransport (scope 3) med 30% inden 2030 sammenlignet med 2022. GEODIS Danmark, har netop taget det første store skridt på denne reduktionsrejse, hvilket har betydet et vigtigt skifte til 100 % vedvarende energi allerede fra januar i år.

“Da vi startede processen, søgte vi et alternativ, der var mere CO2-neutralt end vores tidligere løsning. Vi valgte EWII* og nu er vores elektricitet 100 % vedvarende. Det betyder, at vi har reduceret vores CO2-fodaftryk med næsten 40 tons om året. Vi er utroligt stolte af at bakke op om dette nødvendige og vigtige tiltag og at tage et betydeligt skridt mod at opnå vores mål.” udtaler Kent Husted, Managing Director hos GEODIS Danmark.

I henhold til EWII-certifikatet, som er gældende fra 01.01.2024 til 31.12.2025, bekræfter energileverandøren, at GEODIS Danmark dækker hele sit elforbrug med vedvarende energi. EWII garanterer, at 100 % af elektriciteten leveres fra vedvarende kilder, så som vindmøller, solpaneler, vandkraft og biomasse.

I tråd med indsatsen for at reducere sit CO2-aftryk, har GEODIS Danmark også ændret al belysning til LED og købt nye computerskærme, der bruger en tredjedel mindre strøm end tidligere skærme. Derudover tilbyder virksomheden fire ladepunkter til elbiler i hver af sine afdelinger i Kastrup og Vejle, og planlægger at udvide dette senere i år.

“Som virksomhed og arbejdsgiver prioriterer GEODIS sociale spørgsmål højt. En af vores syv ‘Golden Rules’, som er fundamentet for vores virksomhed, er: ‘Vær en god medborger’. Dette understreger vores engagement i at udvikle CO2-neutrale løsninger, mindske vores aktiviteters miljøpåvirkning og kontinuerligt forbedre vores medarbejderes sundhed, sikkerhed og trivsel. EWII-certifikatet markerer et vigtigt skridt på vores vej mod at udvikle mere bæredygtige løsninger for vores interessenter,” Udtaler Thomas Kraus, Regional Præsident og CEO for GEODIS EUROPE.

*EWII Group er beliggende i Danmark og er Trekantområdets lokale energiselskab, som omfatter kommercielle organisationer under navnet EWII. Formålet med EWII er at engagere sig i aktiviteter relateret til infrastruktur, såsom el, vand, varme, energi og kommunikation – og andre kommercielle ydelser som er med til at skabe at skabe værdi i Trekantområdet, hvilket f.eks. omfatter kommunerne; Kolding, Vejen, Middelfart, Fredericia og Vejle.

Læs mere om EWII her →

GEODIS –    

GEODIS er en førende global logistikleverandør, der er anerkendt for sin ekspertise på tværs af alle aspekter af forsyningskæden. Som vækstpartner for sine kunder er GEODIS specialiseret i fire forretningsområder: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport og European Road Network. Med et globalt netværk, der spænder over næsten 170 lande og 53.000 ansatte, er GEODIS rangeret som nr. 5 i verdenen. I 2023 genererede GEODIS €11,6 milliarder i omsætning. GEODIS er et selskab ejet af SNCF-gruppen.

“K” LINE Group Provided Free Ocean Transportation of Desks and Chairs for Students of Santiago Japanese School

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. and its group companies (“K” LINE Group), are pleased to announce that they have provided free ocean transportation of new desks and chairs for students of Santiago Japanese School*1 (the School) in Santiago, the capital city of Chile. The free transportation was carried out through collaboration among several “K” LINE group companies, including “K” LINE CHILE LIMITADA. (KCL) in Chile which lead the project.

KCL, responded to the request from the School, applying its expertise as a freight forwarder*2 and comprehensive logistics service provider in Chile. It made a series of arrangements, including ocean transport from Yokohama to San Antonio in Chile where they were unloaded, customs clearance and delivery to the School, so as to ensure the seamless transportation of the desks and chairs.

(From left to right)
Mr. Hiromichi Ishikawa, President, “K” LINE CHILE LIMITADA.
Ms. Mariko Matsumoto, Secretary General, Santiago Japanese School
Mr. Shuichi Hayakawa, Principal, Santiago Japanese School
Mr. Yuta Hashizume, Manager, “K” LINE CHILE LIMITADA.

Within Japan, upon receiving the desks and chairs at the Port of Yokohama, Daito Corporation, another “K” LINE group company, did the customs clearance process and the loading of the desks and chairs onto the vessel. “K” LINE took charge of ocean transport with its car carrier, which regularly calls San Antonio. KCL was responsible for delivering the desks and chairs from the port to the School. The cross-functional teamwork of the “K” LINE Group, specifically Daito Corporation, the “K” LINE car carrier division and KCL, made the seamless transportation of the desks and chairs possible.

The “K” LINE Group hopes its effort will enable Japanese children in Chile who are living away from home to study successfully in a well-equipped environment. The “K” LINE Group, including KCL, will continue to undertake similar initiatives to help raise the next generation of children.

*1             Formerly known as Santiago Japanese Supplementary School, the school opened in 1972 to educate Japanese children. Santiago Japanese School was established in 1982 in the same building. The School relocated to the Vitacura area in 1984. It relocated again to its current location (in the Lo Barnechea area of northeastern Santiago) in 1992, and celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2022. The School is managed by the Fundacion Cultural y Educacional Japonesa established by Camara Chileno Japonesa de Comercio e Industria A.G. It provides a curriculum that is in line with the compulsory education system in Japan.

*2             A company that provides fully integrated comprehensive logistics services, including freight transportation arrangements, customs clearance and insurance arrangements using different modes of transport, such as maritime shipping, air freight and land transportation.

GEODIS makes a commitment to inclusivity by signing a Diversity Policy

On May 30th 2024, Marie-Christine Lombard, CEO of GEODIS, signed a GEODIS Diversity Policy.

This signature marks GEODIS’ commitment to its employees to foster a work environment that values ​​and respects all. This is to ensure that everyone receives fair treatment and participates in GEODIS’ success, thanks to their individual talent.

This Diversity Policy defines GEODIS’ ambitions and priorities in terms of equal opportunities, regardless of age, gender, culture, or disability.

The policy enshrines a number of commitments:  

  • Implementation of fair and inclusive recruitment and hiring practices to attract a diverse pool of candidates,
  • Provision of ongoing training and development opportunities for all employees to foster a culture of diversity and inclusion,
  • maintenance of a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace environment for all employees,
  • monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our diversity and inclusion efforts to ensure accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement.
Photo credit : Patrick Schneider 

This policy is forms the basis of the direction that the Group wishes to take on behalf of its employees and will be adapted to the specificities of the local cultures of each country in which GEODIS is present.

You can discover all these commitments in our policy.

About GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53 000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group.

TES and “K” LINE Partner for Sustainable Maritime Shipping Solutions

Brussels and Tokyo, 12 June 2024 –Tree Energy Solutions (TES), a global green energy company leading the way in the production of e-NG (electric natural gas derived from green hydrogen), and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), a prominent Japanese logistics company renowned for its diverse fleet, are teaming up with each other to lead the transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector by 2050.

With a mission to deliver reliable and affordable green energy through giga-scale projects, TES is developing a global portfolio of e-NG production and import projects. e-NG, a green molecule obtained by combining green hydrogen with biogenic or recycled CO2, is poised to revolutionise the decarbonisation of the maritime transport sector. In parallel, “K” LINE is strategically advancing towards 2030 interim milestones, which include transitioning its vessel to cleaner fuels such as hydrogen and e-NG.

“K” LINE and TES are exploring potential collaboration opportunities, including broadening the scope of e-NG partnerships and the various facets of the value chain to accelerate the adoption of cleaner fuels in maritime transport. This collaboration entails blending captured CO2 emissions with green hydrogen to produce e-NG, thereby facilitating the transition to cleaner bunker fuels for “K” LINE’s vessels. Such discussions aim to secure and procure e-NG, a sustainable fuel to meet the “K” LINE’s or its subsidiaries’ bunkering needs in Europe, originating from the TES green energy hub in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Moreover, both parties will consider the regulatory landscape surrounding low/non-carbon fuels, carbon intensity, CO2 accounting, certification, and incentive schemes. By such a consideration of supportive regulatory frameworks, “K” LINE and TES aim to bolster the development of e-NG projects, driving forward transition to a more sustainable energy future.

In addition to commercial endeavours, technical collaboration is also on the agenda, encompassing the operation and management of e-NG carriers and Liquified CO2 carriers and the exchange of information relating to CO2 capture and utilisation onboard vessels.

Marco Alverá, CEO and Co-Founder of TES, commented: “The partnership between “K” LINE and TES marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to drive decarbonisation within the maritime transport sector. By leveraging TES’ expertise in green fuels and “K” LINE’s commitment to decarbonise long-haul shipping, we aim to pioneer cleaner and more efficient maritime operations, setting a precedent for the industry worldwide.”

Satoshi Kanamori, Managing Executive Officer of “K” LINE, commented: “At “K” LINE, we are deeply committed to realizing our vision of a carbon-neutral future for maritime transport. Partnering with TES allows us to combine our strengths and resources to accelerate the adoption of e-NG, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable shipping and logistics industry.”

About TES

TES is a global green energy company leading the way in the production of e-NG (electric natural gas derived from green hydrogen). Headquartered in Europe, TES is committed to making reliable and affordable green energy accessible to all by implementing giga-scale projects using a proven, scalable and cost-effective method. With a presence in North America, Middle East, Asia and Australia, the company’s green hydrogen model uses solar and wind energy in low-cost areas with abundant sunlight or wind. The green hydrogen is then combined with climate-neutral CO2 and transformed into e-NG, a renewable molecule, easy to transport and store using existing infrastructure. Through the supply of e-NG to various industries, TES aims to win the climate race ensuring the mass adoption of green molecules across the globe.

About “K” LINE

“K” LINE, which was established in 1919, is a logistics company with rooted in the shipping industry. It operates a diverse fleet of more than 400 vessels worldwide. “K” LINE has a long history and diversified track record in the ownership and technical management of liquefied gas carriers, having delivered its first LPG carrier in 1974 and its first LNG carrier in 1983. In addition, “K” LINE is engaged in a number of peripheral businesses, including LNG bunkering in Japan and Singapore, and is also actively involved in expanding its LCO2 transport business. “K” LINE will continue to work towards the realization of low-carbon and carbon-free business operations and society as a whole, with the aim of contributing to the creation of a sustainable society and the enhancement of its corporate value, in accordance with its corporate philosophy of “helping make the lives of people more affluent”.

American P&I Club and Winston & Strawn host US, UK and EU regulatory representatives in first ever joint Economic Sanctions Seminar

NEW YORK, JUNE 12, 2024  :  On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the American P&I Club and the law firm of Winston & Strawn, LLP hosted an Economic Sanctions Compliance and Enforcement Seminar at the Athens Marriott in association with the International Propeller Club Port of Piraeus, featuring regulatory representatives from the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union, to provide industry professionals with an overview of the current sanctions landscape and implications of US, UK, and EU regulations, as well as an opportunity to engage in discussion and collaboration between public and private interests in the Greek shipping industry with a goal to enable effective compliance within the regulatory frameworks.

Daniel Tadros, Chief Operations Officer for Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., Managers of the American Club, moderated the discussion among an exceptional lineup of sanctions authorities including Olga Dimitrescu, Head of Industry Engagement for the Oil Price Cap – Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, HM Treasury, Erik Grossman, Senior Advisor to the Associate Director for Enforcement, Compliance, and Analysis – US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), James McLennan, International Engagement and Monitoring issues for the Oil Price Cap, HM Treasury, Isabelle Monfort, Policy Officer – European Commission, Blake Pritchett, Senior Advisor in the Threat Finance and Sanctions Division, US Department of State, Karen P. Seifert, Special Counsel for National Security, US Department of Justice, United States Attorneys’ Office, Office for the District of Columbia (DC USAO), and Cari Stinebower, Partner and Chair of the International Trade Practice, Winston & Strawn, LLP.

The Club’s COO, Daniel Tadros commented, “Maintaining up-to-date awareness of global economic sanctions is important for all stakeholders in the maritime industry. Collaboration, education and interactive dialogue through platforms like this are gateways to maximizing understanding of the sanctions regime and reinforcing collaborative compliance.”

The seminar kicked off with a brief welcome from Kathryn Insley, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Programs, US Department of State, who confirmed the State Department’s commitment to partnering with the private sector to prevent sanctions evasion, especially as it pertains to reducing the Russian Federation’s revenue to fund the war in Ukraine. The event included time for the stakeholder audience to directly engage with the experts and sparked productive, frank and transparent dialogue. The seminar concluded with closing remarks by the American P&I Club’s CEO, Dorothea Ioannou. Many of the well over 200 individuals attending the seminar commented on the value of the frankness of the presentations and discussions as well as the practicalities in guidance offered by the speakers. 

The American Club

American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc. (the American Club) was established in New York in 1917. It is the only mutual Protection and Indemnity Club domiciled in the entire Americas and its headquarters are in New York, USA.

The American Club has been successful in recent years in building on its US heritage to create a truly international insurer with a global reach second-to-none in the industry. Day to day management of the American Club is provided by Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc. also headquartered in New York.

The Club is able to provide local service for its members across all time zones, communicating in eleven languages, and has subsidiary offices located in London, Piraeus, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Houston, plus a worldwide network of correspondents.

The Club is a member of the International Group of P&I Clubs, a collective of thirteen mutuals which together provide Protection and Indemnity insurance for some 90% of all world shipping.

The American Club also operates a fixed premium facility, Eagle Ocean Marine (EOM), aimed at the operators of smaller vessels in local and regional trades. Since it commenced underwriting in 2011, EOM has enjoyed considerable success in building a growing footprint in this specialist market and generating strong profitability for the Club.

For more information, please visit the Club’s website

P&I Insurance

Protection and Indemnity insurance (commonly referred to as “P&I”) provides cover to shipowners and charterers against third-party liabilities encountered in their commercial operations; typical exposures include damage to cargo, pollution, death/injury or illness of passengers or crew or damage to docks and other installations.

Running in parallel with a ship’s hull and machinery cover, traditional P&I cover distinguishes itself from usual forms of marine insurance by being based on the not-for-profit principle of mutuality where Members of the Club are both the insurers and the assureds.

GEODIS publishes its new Activity and Sustainability Report

GEODIS announces the publication of its 2023 Activity and Sustainability (CSR) Report. In her editorial message contained in the report, Marie-Christine Lombard, CEO of GEODIS, develops her vision for GEODIS: “Resilience, integrated logistics solutions and decarbonization: three strong markers of the Group’s transformation”.

The report is structured in three parts: 

  • The first presents information on the Group’s business in 2023, including key figures, the value creation model, acquisitions, innovations, etc.
  • The central section focuses on GEODIS’ corporate social responsibility policy, providing details of the Group’s environmental, social and ethical actions.
  • The final section summarizes the performance indicators.

The Group has called on the independent firm EY to verify the assertions and data published, guaranteeing both the transparency and reliability of the information.

This report is fully in line with the raison d’être of GEODIS: “Serving people by delivering their goods all around the world with innovative, sustainable and ethical logistics.”

To read the full report click here

About GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53 000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group. 

“K” LINE Holds Environmental Awards 2024 Ceremony

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) is pleased to announce that the “K” LINE Group Environmental Awards 2024 Ceremony was held on June 7, 2024.

The awards were established to honor and give recognition to outstanding environmental-preservation activities undertaken by both executives and employees working throughout the “K” LINE Group. This year marks the 10th awards ceremony since the establishment of the awards in 2015. We accepted many entries from our group companies both in Japan and overseas. The activities of six companies — one “Grand Award”, four “Excellence Awards” and two “Special Award” — were selected from such standpoints as “originality,” “challenge level,” “degree of contribution,” “continuity” and “potential for pervasiveness”, and they received the awards from our President.

Awardees of the “K” LINE Group Environmental Awards are as follows:


Initiatives for reducing fuel consumption in tugboats. (Daito Corporation)

The tugboats operated by Daito Corporation implemented slow steaming operations to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In addition to slow steaming, the tugboat “Kagayaki” further reduced fuel consumption by proper trim adjustment (inclination of the vessel), which led to a reduction in fuel consumption of approximately 5%.


  • Drone delivery

 “K” Line Pte Ltd.

Normally, deliveries of supplies to ships are carried out by service boats, but KLPL switched them to drones, so as to reduce GHG emissions, improve operational efficiency, and enhance safety.

  • Hull cleaning of car carriers by robot

“K” Line (Deutschland) GmbH

The effect of the cleaning is not only to reduce GHG emissions, but also to protect

Biodiversity by collecting microplastics.

The collected algae are reused to generate biogas.

  • Recycling of packaging materials for imported cargo

“K” Line Logistics, Ltd.

Established a scheme to reuse packaging materials in cooperation with related parties

such as customers and delivery companies.

This will lead to cost saving and reduced resource consumption.

  • No Print Week

“K” Line America, Inc.

Promoted reduction of paper consumption during the period by going paperless.

Encouraged participation of all employees through tree planting and other efforts.

SPECIAL AWARD  *Accumulation 10 entries

Daito Corporation

Nitto Total Logistics Ltd.

The “K” LINE Group will continue to broadly share environmental preservation activities being addressed within our Group companies via the presentation of these annual “K” LINE Group Environmental Awards in order to demonstrate the environmental preservation activities by the entire Group. Through this emphasis on continuing to aggressively contribute to environmental preservation and biodiversity protection, we will successfully accomplish our mission, i.e., “Passing on a sustainable society and this blue and beautiful ocean to the next generation” as expressed in “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050.

Cargo Integrity Group highlights cargoes that can compromise supply chain safety

The industry bodies of the Cargo Integrity Group continue in their mission to improve safety in the global supply chain. The Group has identified a number of cargoes, commonly carried in containers, that under certain conditions can cause dangerous incidents. They urge everyone handling these goods to follow all applicable regulations, the CTU Code and industry best practices.

6th June 2024

In addition to promoting sound packing and shipping practices, the Cargo Integrity Group aims to increase awareness about the types of goods, often less obvious, that can compromise safety in the container supply chain under certain conditions.

The Group has identified fifteen such ‘Cargoes of Concern’ that are commonly transported by sea and intermodally. While these are usually transported safely when regulations and guidelines are followed, the Group has created this list to highlight cargoes that can become hazardous if handled incorrectly. They emphasize that cargoes that are mis-declared or have incomplete or incorrect information about their identity are more likely to be involved in incidents.

This list is not exhaustive, but each item illustrates a common type of hazard, divided into three categories:

Reactive Hazards – These cargoes can catch fire and cause significant damage and casualties under certain conditions. They are generally subject to Dangerous Goods regulations. Examples are:

  • Charcoal / carbon
  • Calcium Hypochlorite
  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • Cotton and wool
  • Fishmeal and krill
  • Seed cake

Spill or Leak Risks – These commodities can present a risk if not packed properly or if they are damaged. Spills or leaks from these cargoes can harm the health of people cleaning up the spill as well as the environment. Examples are:

  • Hides and skins
  • Wine
  • Bitumen
  • Cocoa butter
  • Waste – recycled engines and engine parts
  • Vegetable and other oils, particularly when packed in flexitanks

Improper Packing Consequences – Cargoes that are poorly or incorrectly packed or secured in the container can lead to injuries to personnel or damage to nearby containers, property, or other cargo. Such incidents can cause severe accidents at sea or on land, such as truck rollovers and train derailments. Examples are:

  • Logs and timber
  • Steel coils
  • Marble and granite

In the coming months the Cargo Integrity Group will publish additional guidance on the identification and safe handling of these cargoes.

The list is based on data from, among other sources, the claims history of leading freight insurance provider, TT Club; a report prepared by ICHCA and submitted to the IMO on incidents involving dangerous goods on ships or in ports, and from CINS which collates information provided by its members on incidents involving dangerous cargo.

“The combined experience of our organisations has been harnessed to identify these categories and result in pin-pointing some commodities where the risks are perhaps less obvious,” says Peregrine Storrs-Fox, Risk Management Director, TT Club. “While the potential dangers of transporting, for example, calcium hypochlorite or lithium-ion batteries might be more widely appreciated, the combustible qualities of seed cake or the hazards associated with cocoa butter or vegetable oils, will be less well-known.”

“Every actor in the global container supply chain is responsible for the health and safety of not only their own people, but also of those at any onward stage of the container’s journey. Complying with regulations and following the advice in the CTU Code saves lives, and we appeal to everyone shipping, packing and handling commodities that fall within the categories of these Cargoes of Concern to be particularly diligent,” comments Lars Kjaer, Senior Vice President, World Shipping Council. 

Dedicated to improving the safety, security and environmental performance throughout the containerized supply chain, a primary goal of the Cargo Integrity Group is to increase 

awareness and wider use of the IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units – the CTU Code.  

As part of this effort the Group has developed a ‘Quick Guide’ to the CTU Code, together with a Checklist of actions and responsibilities for the guidance of those undertaking the packing of cargoes in freight containers. These are now available in all six official IMO languages as well as Italian and are available HERE

About the Cargo Integrity Group

The Cargo Integrity Group brings together international freight transport and cargo handling organisations with different roles in the supply chain and a shared dedication to improving safety, security and environmental performance throughout the logistics supply chain. The Bureau International des Containers, the Container Owners Association, FIATA, the Global Shippers Forum, ICHCA, TT Club and the World Shipping Council are co-operating on a range of activities to further the adoption and implementation of crucial safety practices and regulations.