Transport communications

Portcare International is the press relations consultancy for the shipping and logistics industry. Formed by transport people for transport people. We can truly claim to understand our clients’ needs and ‘talk the same language’. Portcare provide effective, value for money PR to some of the industry’s best-known names.

“K” Line Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index, a Leading Index for ESG Investing for 13 years in a row

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) has been selected again as an Asia Pacific Index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), one of the leading global indices for ESG investing, for the 13th consecutive year since 2011.

DJSI, the index provided by S&P Dow Jones Indices, measures the performance of companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria, through a corporate sustainability assessment, and only includes companies with remarkable performance. Among those indices, Asia Pacific Index for 2023 selects 156 companies in the Asia-Pacific developed region (including 75 Japanese companies) as components, as a result of sustainability assessment of about 600 largest companies in the region. Launched in 1999, DSJI is one of the first global sustainability benchmarks for investors which integrate sustainability consideration into their portfolios.

Our corporate principle is to help make the lives of people more affluent, as a rooted in the shipping industry, and we aim to improve our corporate value and contribute to all stakeholders by realizing both social and economic value. Going forward, we will continue to make use of competitive advantage we have cultivated with a focus on shipping, and realize initiatives to achieve sustainability of both social/environmental and the company.

“K” Line hold FY2023 Dry Bulk Global Meeting

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) held a global meeting for the dry bulk business at the company’s head office over a two-day period from November 14 to 15. The meeting gathered not only the members of the dry bulk team at the head office but also 25 national and representatives from 10 major overseas offices, with about 100 people engaging in lively discussions in either sales or operation sessions.

At the meeting, Atsuo Asano, Representative Director, Vice President Executive Officer (responsible for Dry Bulk Carriers Unit) explained the shared significance of global KPIs (key performance indicators) based on a project for further advancement of business management for maximizing corporate value. He also spoke about measures to boost ROIC, which is an indicator for “earning power,” which emphasized the importance of everyone working in unison to achieve further growth.

On the theme of Current status of KPI progress, the KPIs identified at the start of year. such as safety/efficiency in navigation, profitability, low-carbon/decarbonization efforts for CO2 emissions reduction, were analyzed and reflected on during the operation sessions, with frank discussions taking place about increasing safety and profitability in navigation and cargo operations as well as environment and DX challenges.

On the theme of “Expand Our Business, Empower Our Success!” topics like analysis and measures for company growth and expanding the revenue base in the future as well as organizational and environmental sales with technical and environmental teams were discussed in the sales sessions, also including debates about identifying sources of added value and ways to enhance “K” LINE’s strengths through the concerted efforts of the Tokyo head office and overseas locations.

Going forward, “K” LINE will regularly hold global meetings and share KPIs globally, thereby improving customer-oriented service quality while also creating a sense of unity among our employees and strengthening teamwork. Our dry bulk business will realize sustainable profitability growth while at the same time further developing its business network on a foundation of global diversity and adding environmental reaction to the advanced transportation knowhow accumulated over many years.

GEODIS launches new Pharma Cross Dock facility in Rodgau

In November, the global logistics service provider GEODIS officially put a new 700 square meter temperature-controlled location, with an integrated cooling area in Rodgau, into operation. With this opening, GEODIS is pursuing its strategy of expanding and strengthening its global pharmaceutical network.

With a temperature-controlled warehouse between 15 and 25 °C and the additional cooling area with a temperature range between 2 and 8 °C, the new Pharma Cross Dock offers optimal conditions for the handling and interim storage of pharmaceutical products. The new facility ensures continuous cooling along the entire transport and logistics chain. The direct connection to the A45 motorway and the proximity to Frankfurt Airport ensure good accessibility. 

Photo signature: GEODIS Pharma Cross Dock

The transportation of vaccines and pharmaceuticals requires fast handling and a continuously temperature-controlled environment. In addition to the CEIV certification1 of the Frankfurt site, Rodgau offers GDP-compliant solutions for quality assurance in pharmaceutical distribution and is therefore an integral part of the global expansion to strengthen the 27 CEIV-certified air freight locations. 

“In addition to the strategic acquisition of transport specialist trans-o-flex at the beginning of the year, Rodgau is now our first Pharma Cross Dock in Germany to go into active operation.With this investment, we are creating an important basis for our further positioning in the German market, which is considered Europe’s most important exporter of pharmaceuticals, and is thus significantly strengthening our portfolio for sensitive and fast air freight in pharmaceutical logistics,” says Antje Lochmann, Managing Director Germany.

1CEIV Pharma Certification is a globally consistent and recognized pharmaceutical product handling certification to ensure the international and national compliance to safeguard product integrity while addressing specific air cargo needs.

GEODIS –    

GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 49,400 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2022, GEODIS generated €13.7 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group.

“K” Line : Approval in Principle (AiP) from Japanese Classification Society ClassNK for Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has been granted Approval in Principle (AiP) *1 from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for joint development of Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System, which is being developed in cooperation with Japan Radio Co., Ltd., YDK Technologies Co., Ltd. and KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN KAISHA, Ltd. (Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen).

We have been in progress in the Joint Technological Development Program for the Demonstration test of Fully Autonomous Ships under the MEGURI 2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Project*2 (MEGURI2040) administrated by the Nippon Foundation.

Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System, the core technology of the autonomous navigation system, has been granted AiP from ClassNK.

Background of approach

From 2021, we have been conducting joint research and development with Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and YDK Technologies Co., Ltd. for the Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System to assist the navigation in making accurate maneuvering decisions, and we are currently working on MEGURI 2040 using the technology developed through joint research and development.

In 2022, we have been conducting the system design targeting the existing large RORO cargo ship “HOKUREN MARU No. 2” operated by Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen. We have been collaborating with ClassNK in verification and validation for safety of the system, including the conditions of use and backup systems.

System summary

The Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System automatically generates some routes for avoiding a collision with other ships on a monitored route when a collision with another ship due to OZT  *3 is predicted and assists the operator in avoiding the collision. The system will consider COLREGs*4 and suggest up to two avoidance routes that will allow the ship to return to its original course line within 1 hour. In addition, track control is performed for the selected avoidance route by linking the system with Auto Pilot and ECDIS*5.

WPx : WayPoint

Scene of proposing avoidance routes

We will continue to work with Japan Radio Co., Ltd., YDK Technologies Co., Ltd. and Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen to develop a comprehensive system that will contribute to the improvement of fully autonomous ships technology as the core technology with the Advanced Maneuvering Assistant System in order to realize the autonomous navigation system on the existing RORO cargo ship “HOKUREN MARU No. 2”.

*1 AiP, which stands for Approval in Principle, is a scheme for the examination of plans and documents based on the rules for products in the early design stage to confirm their technical feasibility from the viewpoint of the rules.

Source : ClassNK

*2 A subsidization scheme to cultivate further momentum for technological development in the field of fully autonomous ships, promoting changes in logistics, economies, and social infrastructure in Japan, and supporting such technological development through the success of the world’s first fully autonomous operation trials by domestic coastal vessels. We are participating as a member of the Designing the Future of Fully Autonomous Ships Plus consortium (DFFAS+).

*3 OZT:Obstacle Zone by Target

*4 COLREGs:International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

*5ECDIS :Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Related Release

November 27, 2023: The Nippon Foundation MEGURI2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Project

-Demonstration test of autonomous navigation system on large RORO cargo-

July 21, 2023: Participating in the Second Stage of the Nippon Foundation MEGURI2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Project for Social Implementation

November 2, 2021: Starts Joint R&D on Integrated Navigation Support System Using AI

and Other Cutting-edge Technologies

TT Club : Stolen goods need a market – Avoid being a receiver

Reducing the threat of theft in the supply chain can have many lines of attack, freight insurance specialist TT Club is advocating that of cutting off the market for stolen goods. Receiving stolen property is not just illegal, it provides a market for the criminals, consequently causing  lost time, revenue and reputational damage to the rightful owners as well as the transport and storage business that serve them.

Theft of cargo is an ever-present concern within the logistics industry and prevention is in the interest of businesses, law enforcement agencies and the economy as a whole.  As the industry seeks to understand the way that criminal networks operate, it is worth questioning what happens to goods after they are stolen. Organised criminal networks employ many of the same ‘business’ strategies used by legitimate supply chain operators. There are a myriad of examples of police forces uncovering large warehouses containing stolen goods, trucking operations engaged in the movement of those goods and incidents of  stolen goods entering the retail market.

As TT’s Managing Director, Loss Prevention Mike Yarwood reports, “Earlier this year two containers of BBQ equipment destined for a high street retailer were stolen from a depot in the UK. Two months later the owner of the goods, shopping in another retail store recognised the equipment and, by tracing the serial numbers, was able to identify them as those stolen earlier in the year.” A ongoing legal wrangle has ensued but as Yarwood explains, “The moral of the tale is that a relatively ready market for stolen goods is accessible to thieves if unknowing ‘receivers’ do not take sufficient care to ensure the goods they purchase are legitimate.”

TT is promoting the need for more vigilance and is offering preventative advice to procurement managers that covers such means as:

  • Forming strong, ongoing partnerships with trusted suppliers and thoroughly vetting all new suppliers
  • Implementing a code of conduct that explicitly forbids unethical and illegal procurement practices, including whistleblower protection
  • Verifying the provenance of all goods. All incoming goods should be accompanied by documentation such as bills of sale, invoices and shipping records
  • Initiating regular audits to be conducted by an external party and conducting particularly stringent due diligence when procuring high-risk goods, such as electronics or luxury goods
  • Engaging with law enforcement immediately if suspected stolen goods are identified

Yarwood emphasises the damage caused by theft, “A recent study by the University of Plymouth valued the cost of goods stolen in the UK alone during 2020 at £95.7m. However, the cost of the goods fails to take into account many other factors that impact on the businesses involved,” he highlights.  “Every theft costs the transporter wasted resource as that particular order was not delivered; survey costs to assess the value of the lost cargo are incurred and, most importantly, reputational damage occurs that may lead to the future loss of business. Moreover, insurance premiums will rise for all participants.”

The wider impact on society at large include the funding of criminal organisations, which leads to not only further freight crime but other criminal activity.  It is thought that the sale of stolen cargo has become one of the primary revenue streams for organised criminal groups around the world. Stopping, or at least reducing the market outlets for the proceeds of such thefts must become a priority of all supply chain participants.

For further information please refer to TT’s lates Supply Chain Security Bulletin HERE

About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1200 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 97% of its Members, with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.

Graeme Sassarini to take over as Regional General Manager – Americas for TT Club

Leading insurance provider to the international freight and logistics sector, TT Club has announced a significant change to its New Jersey office leadership. After 29 years at Thomas Miller, TT’s management company, Leo Kirchner will retire at the end of June 2024. A period of leadership transition will commence in January 2024, with Leo continuing to provide support to Thomas Miller Americas for a further two years.

Leo Kirchner

Succeeding Leo as TT’s Regional General Manager – Americas from 1st January 2024 will be Graeme Sassarini, who has been with the company for 20 years and based in the New Jersey office since 2003. Graeme’s close working relationship with TT Members across the region will continue as he leads the Club’s further development of its risk mitigation services to the intermodal and maritime transport, as well cargo handling, sectors.

Graeme Sassarini

Assuming Leo’s role as CEO for Thomas Miller Americas (TMA) will be Leanne O’Loughlin, effective from 1st January 2024. Leanne is currently Regional Director of UK P&I Club in New Jersey having joined TMA in 2019 from a London-based P&I Club.

Charles Fenton, TT’s Chief Executive Officer said: “Leo’s contributions to TT Club have been invaluable. His leadership has been instrumental in strengthening our position in the region’s complex and varied risk management market.  We are pleased that Graeme will be assuming this important leadership role. He brings extensive experience and knowledge to the position that will be of continued benefit our Members and stakeholders.”

Leo added: “I congratulate Graeme on his new appointment.  I have the utmost confidence in him to continue the work that has been so important to me personally throughout my career at TT and Thomas Miller. I look forward to assisting him during the ensuing transition period.

About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1200 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 97% of its Members, with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.

DACHSER Ireland advances sustainable logistics with electric vehicle integration

High roof cargo vans underlines DACHSER’s commitment to its environmental responsibilities in Dublin city distribution

DACHSER Ireland is excited to reveal the successful integration of three high roof cargo van electric vehicles (EVs) into its Dublin city distribution operations. These electric vehicles have been in service for several months, catering primarily to the dynamic life science sector in the greater Dublin area.

Photo Credit : Paul Sherwood Photography

The electric vehicles, seamlessly incorporated into DACHSER’s delivery services since their introduction, have brought about a transformative impact on our Dublin city distribution. Embracing electric mobility aligns with DACHSER’s goal of minimising the environmental footprint of its operations while ensuring the provision of efficient and reliable transportation solutions.

The electric vehicles boast high roof cargo capacity, allowing for the efficient delivery of essential goods to the life science sector. With versatile cargo space, these vehicles significantly enhance our ability to meet the unique logistical requirements of our valued customers in the pharmaceutical, medical and hazardous industries in an environmentally sustainable way.

First Of Their Kind In Irish Distribution

A standout feature of the electric vans is their compliance with ADR regulations, marking them as the first of their kind in Irish distribution. This underscores DACHSER’s market leading position in Ireland in the transportation of hazardous materials whilst maintaining the highest safety standards.

The integration of these electric vehicles has already resulted in a substantial reduction of 32,000 kg in our annual carbon footprint. This achievement aligns with the company’s long-term sustainability objectives.

John Van den Berg, Managing Director of DACHSER Ireland, expressed enthusiasm about the ongoing project, stating, “The introduction of these electric vehicles into our operations marks a significant milestone. This investment reaffirms our commitment to sustainable logistics and positions DACHSER as a pioneer of environmentally friendly solutions in the Irish logistics industry. Through the adoption of electric mobility, we’ve made substantial strides in reducing our carbon emissions while consistently delivering exceptional service to our valued customers in the life science sector and beyond.”

About Dachser:

Dachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customized services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter consists of two business lines: Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions round out the company’s range. A seamless shipping network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems ensure intelligent logistics solutions worldwide.

Thanks to some 32,850 employees at 379 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 8.1 billion in 2022. The same year, the logistics provider handled a total of 81.1 million shipments weighing 42.8 million metric tons. Own organizations represent Dachser in 41 countries. For more information about Dachser, please visit

Ceremony to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Training Center “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines

“K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines (KLMA), which is a training center for seafarers in Philippines of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), has held a commemorative ceremony to celebrate its 30th anniversary since its opening on April 23, 1993. The ceremony was attended by 140 guests, including the Japanese Embassy: Ambassador, Mr. Kazuhiko Koshikawa and many other government representatives and people working with maritime affairs.

From the left:
Japanese Embassy: Ambassador, Mr. Kazuhiko Koshikawa
“K” LINE: Vice President Executive Officer, Mr. Atsuo Asano
Pasay City LGU: Mayor, Hon. Imelda Calixto Rubiano
Pasay City LGU: Congressman, Hon. Antonino Calixto)

“K” LINE’s efforts to train seafarers in the Philippines started with the founding of the “K” Line Maritime Training Corporation in 1993, after which it moved from Manila to Pasay in February 2008 to allow the KLMA to expand and to make it into the major training center it is today, capable of receiving more than 10,000 seafarers every year.

The training facilities have a range of simulators for ship manoeuvring, engine control, engine rooms, cargo handling, GMDSS, boilers, and so forth as well as large marine diesel engine, diesel generator, and other devices used for navigation, enabling training compatible with IMO model courses* as well as online trainings.

Vice President Executive Officer, Mr Atsuo Asano at the Ceremony

the “K” LINE Group employs seafarers of various nationalities, including Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Indian, and Bulgarian. But more than 70% of crew members are Filipino seafarers. This is why the Philippines-based KLMA is positioned as the core of training and will continue to train seafarers as a major pillar for ensuring safety in navigation and cargo operations and hull maintenance, enabling the provision of higher-quality maritime transportation.

* A training program for acquiring knowledge and skills needed to implement treaties and such that have been formulated and adopted by the IMO (International Maritime Organization).

January 24, 2023: Donation of Protective Equipment for Pasig River Cleaners in the Philippines

December 16, 2022:

Solar Power Generation System Installed at Seafarers’ Training Facility in Philippines

August 20, 2021: Providing the Space for Vaccination Site in Philippines

October 22, 2018: 25th Anniversary of Maritime Training in the Philippines

March 5, 2018:

New Building with Seafarer’s accommodation Delivered, Opening Ceremony held in The Philippines

January 24, 2012: “K” Line Maritime Academy (Philippines) ECDIS Training Course

“K” Line : Commencing Forest Conservation Activities in Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) commenced forest conservation activities in the forests owned by “K” LINE in Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan in November 2023.

About 15 people participated in these activities, planting 80 trees in a section of an area of about 2.5 ha, in collaboration with the Tone Numata-JForest/Forestry Association as well as with the NPO Chiba University Student Committee for Environmental Management System that we have previously worked together with to preserve satoyama land. The trees planted were of a kind native to the area.

The “K” LINE Group’s businesses depend on the sea and other natural resources, so we view initiatives to tackle climate change and otherwise conserve biodiversity in the sea and on land as an important theme in our business activities. We identify “aiming for zero environmental impact” as a goal in the “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050*1, which is our long-term policy for the environment ahead to 2050 and advancing initiatives for ecosystem protection. Moreover, “K” LINE participated in the TNFD Forum this fiscal year and disclosed information about our self-assessment of nature-related risks and opportunities under the TNFD framework*2.

Our forest conservation activities not only preserve biodiversity but also contribute to fighting climate change as forests absorb CO2. We intend to keep working to build a sustainable future based on a comprehensive understanding of natural capital and climate change.

*1 “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050: Blue Seas for the Future

[Reference press releases]

*2 October 17, 2023: Disclosure of information based on the TNFD Framework

*2 November 13, 2023: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has joined the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum

TT Club : Environmental threat of the transport of plastic pellets

International freight insurance provider, TT Club highlights the dangers to the marine environment of plastic pellet or nurdle spillage.  Those involved in the supply of what is a universal component of plastic materials must be more aware and take steps to ensure their safe carriage.

With the ever-increasing focus on care for the marine environment greater attention must be afforded to the particular risks associated with the transport of microplastic pellets. Commonly referred to as ‘nurdles’ these are the building blocks used in the production of most plastic products. Concerns about the universal use of secure packaging, as well as the stability of these receptacles, and their weight distribution within sea containers are mounting.

However, it is the consequences of a spillage that rank highest in the urgent requirement to minimise incidents involving these cargoes in transit. Typically measuring just a few millimetres in diameter the release of nurdles into the sea, other waterways or the environment in general can have severe ecological implications. Accumulating in the stomach of any creature consuming them they have a negative effect on nourishment.  Furthermore, nurdles have a unique chemical composition that enable the absorption of toxins, adding to risks to the food chain of creatures from fish to birds, and from microbes, insects, and small mammals.

“Some estimates count as many as one in ten containerised consignments experience some form of spillage,” comments TT’s Logistics Risk Manager, Josh Finch. “Additionally, packing of bulk road and rail tank containers, often undertaken outside, often incurs incidental spillages. A greater understanding of the risks involved in handling and transporting these products is required.  At TT, we are both raising awareness and offering advice particularly on appropriate packaging and container packing that minimises cargo shifting and split packaging resulting in spillages.”

There are a variety of packaging methods utilised, each with its own characteristics and benefits.  These range from tank and dry bulk containers, cardboard boxes with plastic linings, polypropylene or cloth bags and sacks, and intermediate bulk containers and drums. Advisory information produced by TT covers the chief risk cause of stability of the cargo within such packaging as well as emphasis on the correct weight distribution to reduce movement during sea voyages in particular. Load restraint recommendations are made along with manual handling procedures and other risk mitigation measures*.

“There are no easy solutions to the challenges of safely transporting nurdles,” concludes Finch. “Tank containers are viewed as costly, while bags split and shift in transit.  However, it is important to emphasise that the risks to safety are not commonly understood, and that the environmental repercussions of spillages are a danger throughout the supply chain – on land and for the oceans.  As the industry considers, particularly at the IMO, how to address these issues, a proactive approach to risk mitigation is advisable.”


About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1200 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 97% of its Members, with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.