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Portcare International is the press relations consultancy for the shipping and logistics industry. Formed by transport people for transport people. We can truly claim to understand our clients’ needs and ‘talk the same language’. Portcare provide effective, value for money PR to some of the industry’s best-known names.

Virginie Delcroix joins the Executive Committee of GEODIS

Virginie Delcroix has joined GEODIS as Executive Vice President, Sustainable Development, reporting to Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer. This appointment confirms Madame Lombard’s determination to place CSR performance at the heart of the Group’s strategy.

Since 2017, Virginie Delcroix had been Vice President Sustainable Development, with responsibility for CSR and product safety & regulatory affairs at the Arkema group, where she was a member of the management committee. 

Having graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Virginie’s career has been spent in industry. In particular, she was technical director and innovation director at Novacel (1999-2011), before taking charge of R&D in South Europe for Bostik, a company in the Arkema group (2011-2017).

At GEODIS, she will be responsible for carrying on the dynamic social commitment of the Group, which, along with its partners and employees, is committed to providing its customers with ever more sustainable solutions. Her priority issues will be decarbonization, the preservation of resources and the protection of the environment, as well as the safety and well-being of the Group’s employees.

Virginie Delcroix’s arrival raises to five the number of female members of the GEODIS Executive Committee.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.

Winners of the Young Logistics Professional Award announced at the FIATA World Congress, Busan

Busan/London, 16 September 2022- FIATA, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations and TT Club, international freight transport insurer, are very pleased to reveal this year’s global winner of the Young Logistics Professionals Award (YLP) at the 59th, and 2022 FIATA World Congress in Busan, Republic of Korea.

FIATA and TT Club are delighted to announce that Karina Perez Perez, the regional winner of Region Americas, representing the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association, CIFFA, has been awarded the title of Young Logistics Professional of 2022.    “TT Club is inordinately proud of sponsoring this award since it was established as the Young Freight Forwarder of the Year over twenty years ago.  Its importance as an inspiration to our budding professionals is even more relevant today as the global logistics industry faces ever growing and varied challenges.  So fitting therefore, that the winner, who I heartily congratulate, Karina Perez Perez submitted a dissertation detailing her work in assessing the tools the industry is developing to enhance operator’s performance in the crucial area of sustainability. TT believes that the logistics sector’s ability to attract vital new talent to its ranks is greatly improved by a stronger commitment to environmental issues that are so concerning to those younger generations around the world,” said Michael Yarwood, TT Club’s Managing Director, Loss Prevention.

FIATA and TT Club extend their congratulations to the three other dedicated, ambitious and very impressive young professionals who made it to the final stage of the competition: Regional Asia Pacific Winner,  Avishkar Srivastava, Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI), India;  Region Africa and Middle East Ruvimbo Gukwe, Shipping and Forwarders Agents Association of Zimbabwe (SFAAZ), Zimbabwe; Region Europe Winner Maximilian Drüschler, Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik (DSLV), Germany (Region Europe Winner).  All finalists showed exceptional skill and motivation during the competition, which all resulted in high quality work. These young professionals stand as an example, and are a true source of inspiration for the industry.  

FIATA President, Ivan Petrov shared “This competition is extremely valuable to our field because young people are the future of the industry. They will be the ones to shape the image of the logistics industry, its importance, its worth, its power and the opportunities that come with it. Attracting and promoting young people in the freight forwarding industry is one of the top priorities on FIATA’s agenda, and we are honoured to meet young logistics professionals, who we can also learn from, while likewise providing them with important tools and guidance for their careers. FIATA acts as the bridge between successful and recognised freight forwarders and young promising talents.”

The industry faces increasing difficulty to find talented, and motivated candidates, with workforce issues being amongst the top obstacles for logistics companies. The goal of this Award competition is to motivate, inspire and search for high calibre, quality young professionals to be a leading light for others to be inspired by, and to show that excellence brings the career potential of these young people to another level. Candidates can grow their network, develop new skills, learn more about the sector and what it entails, and gain exposure within the global freight forwarding community. FIATA and TT Club strongly encourage young logistics professionals, with the essential support of their FIATA national association, to join this exciting venture.

Additionally, the Congress this year saw the first ever full-day programme for young logisticians, with a dedicated programme allowing young professionals to hear from experts, educators and mentors in the logistics sector. This was an important endeavour for FIATA, who continually strives to shine a light on the next generation and attract a young audience to the freight forwarding community.


FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organization representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 113 Associations Members and more than 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide. Based in Geneva, FIATA is ‘the global voice of freight logistics’.

About TT Club
TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1,100 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 93% of its Members with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.

Container shipping market turns a corner … in lockstep?

Global container shipping turned a corner in the second quarter of 2022 according to the findings of the latest Quarterly Review of the market produced by MDS Transmodal and Global Shippers Forum.

Covid lockdowns in China, suppressing supply of manufactured goods and demand for raw materials, and plummeting sentiment in consuming countries, due to rising interest rates and energy prices, contributed to a fall in average earnings per container carried for the first time since 2020. (Graph 4.1)*

Chart, line chart

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Graph 4.1

While total container carryings were up on Q1, this volume remained below the level recorded in the same period a year ago (Graph 1.2). This was despite traffic that had switched to other modes or to bulk shipping earlier in the year returning to the more traditional containerised mode.

Graph 1.2 Index of conatiner carryings 

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Graph 1.2

The reliability and consistency of port calls showed a small improvement in Q2, but this was seemingly made by intermediate port calls being missed altogether. The capacity lost to ‘skipped’ ports remains high (Graph 7.2).

Chart, line chart

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Graph 7.2

A reshaping of container shipping service patterns seems to be underway with a further increase in Q2 of the number of services connecting no more than two regions, together with a reduction in those linking more than two regions (Graph 2.2). In practical terms this means long, multi-port ‘loop’ schedules are being replaced by ‘shuttle’ services with transhipments required at hub ports in order for containers to reach their ultimate destinations.

Chart, line chart

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Graph 2.2

Mike Garratt, Chairman of MDS Transmodal commented, “In the last quarter we have seen global network capacity grow marginally but underlying demand stay flat. Spot freight rates are now falling steadily and it will be interesting to see as a consequence the share of the minor bulks trade that returns to the major lines. The direct connectivity and reliability of making port calls offered to shippers continues to deteriorate.

In welcoming the Quarterly report James Hookham, Director of GSF, said, “This is the first time the GSF/MDS Transmodal Quarterly Review is showing a significant change in the direction of travel. This is just one set of data points, but shippers are telling us the world economy, international trade and the global shipping market have entered a new phase, with different factors at work compared to the past two years.”

Over the coming months, GSF and MDS Transmodal will continue monitoring whether the opportunistic gains made by shipping lines since 2020 are consolidated into a strategic shift in rates and service patterns imposed on shippers, or whether different carriers will respond instinctively and distinctively to the changing conditions.

James Hookham continued, “This change in market dynamics could provide a context for the use of freedoms granted to shipping lines under anti-trust immunity and Block Exemption legislation to re-engineer an industry-wide shift in capacity deployment, service patterns, port call frequency and market share concentration. Recent experience has shown this is not a market where regulators can ‘legislate and forget’ hoping expected behaviours are observed.

The number of parameters needed to monitor the market are many and complex and GSF and MDS Transmodal invite competition regulators around the world to ‘watch this space’ with us over the coming months”.

*Note:  The Graph numbering refers to that employed in the Quarterly Review the full text of which is available on request as detailed below.

  1. The Container Shipping Market Quarterly Review is produced every three months and reports, interprets and comments on trends and developments in the container shipping market as experienced and understood by shippers – the importers and exporting businesses that own the cargo carried on container ships. Shippers are the customers of the container shipping industry.
  1. The Quarterly Review collates and reports outputs from MDS Transmodal’s established and respected Container Business Model and other tools that are relied upon by governments and international agencies around the world. Working with GSF, MDST has generated eight new indicators showing how the market is performing in terms that are relevant and applicable to shippers as users and customers of these services.
  1. MDS Transmodal (MDST, is a UK firm of transport economists which specialises in maritime and all other modes of freight transport. MDST works with senior management in the public and private sectors to provide strategic advice based on quantitative analysis, modelling and sectoral expertise.
  1. Global Shippers Forum ( is the global business organisation speaking up for exporters and importers as cargo owners in international supply chains and trade procedures. Its members are national and regional shippers’ associations representing hundreds of manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing businesses in over 20 countries across five continents. GSF works for safe, competitively efficient, and environmentally sustainable global trade and logistics.

Workplace fatalities – height is the issue

Falls from height remain one of the biggest causes of injury and fatalities in the workplace.  The distance of the drop need not always be as great as imagined to cause harm. Freight transport liability insurer, TT Club is debunking some common perceptions, offering advice on risk mitigation.

The insurer refers to a ‘seven-step’ checklist to assist operators in perfecting a safer work environment but emphasises that awareness of the issue and causation is a critical initial approach to the danger.

UK regulations stipulate that ‘working at height’ is defined as any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury. While in the US it is required that fall protection be provided at elevations of four feet in general industry workplaces, five feet in shipyards, six feet in the construction industry and eight feet in longshoring operations.

Typically, in the international context there is no specific minimum height above which regulations apply and each jurisdiction has its own requirements. Similarly, the need for fall protection equipment varies.  Operators across the supply chain therefore need to be familiar with varied local regulations in every location at which they have employees.

“Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatality and major injury in the workplace. The common perception is that these relate to falls from ladders or through fragile surfaces, where workers are far from the surface below. This is not always the case,” comments Mike Yarwood, TT’s Managing Director, Loss Prevention. “It might come as a shock to learn that a man died falling just a meter and a half from within a standard shipping container sited on a road trailer.”

The deceased worker was inside an open top container preparing access for an overhead crane to remove the cargo of steel girders.  He fell from the container because the rear doors of the unit were open. Although the company had various generic risk assessments and safe working method statements, it had not put in place simple control measures to prevent or mitigate a fall from the rear of this container. The tragedy could have been averted.

“A court fined the company £200,000 (US$23,600) plus costs,” Yarwood “But the penalty could have been far greater and potentially unlimited. The case highlights a key issue – many haulage firms and warehouse operations may not view work at the back of an open trailer or container on wheels as a ‘working at height’ activity.”

As protecting the workforce must be a priority, TT has summarised a seven-step course of action to help*

  • Conduct a working at height risk assessment
  • Implement working at height training
  • Invest in personal protective equipment (PPE) for working at height
  • Complete safety equipment maintenance
  • Implement a personal safety system
  • Update and review your procedures
  • Record everything

“As with all risk mitigation, awareness of the dangers is the primary necessity,” concludes Yarwood. “After that a common-sense approach is the best — where work at height cannot be easily avoided, take action to prevent falls with guard rails etc. Where risk cannot be eliminated, minimise the distance and consequences of a fall and train staff well to make them aware of the dangers.”

*Full details of the seven steps can be accessed here.

About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1100 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 97% of its Members with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.

‘Connecting Ports’ the Talk Show Hits the Airwaves

Aimed at bringing together port and transport stakeholders around the world to share initiatives in tackling the challenges of the modern industry, Hamburg Port Consulting (HPC) last week launched the first in its regular series of ‘talk shows’ entitled Connecting Ports.  The port and logistics consultancy wants to stimulate both debate and cooperation on critical issues. 

Hamburg, 13 September 2022

The first interactive forum, open to all with an interest in ports and transport was headlined “Decarbonisation – On Our Way to a Climate-Neutral Port Industry” and featured five contributors from three continents in a ninety-minute session hosted by Christina Prieser, an Associate Partner at HPC.

Much is being discussed about how, and to what target levels the amount of CO2 emissions must be reduced for various modes of freight transport – air, sea, road – but Connecting Ports in its first edition very clearly emphasised the port as a focal point in the quest for collaborative solutions to decarbonisation.

Encapsulating what a number of the participants highlighted, Margaret Kidd, Program Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Technology Instructional Associate Professor at University of Houston, showed how the high degree of centrality that is exhibited by ports can be a great source of influence.  As major nodes connecting maritime transport with urban activities and access to the hinterlands through other transport modes, ports are in a powerful position to lead and facilitate change.

Exemplifying this influence Johannes Schmidt, Climate and Innovation Manager at the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) gave details on the decarbonization activities in the Port of Hamburg and highlighted three pillars that the HPA has identified for a “green port transformation”: increased use of renewable energy sources; establish a hydrogen value chain throughout the port, with an aim to become Europe’s logistics hub for green hydrogen, and a focus on projects that reduce energy consumption and increase the electrification of operations.

Of course, while encouraging the sharing of initiatives across the global port community the panel recognised that geographical location, environmental conditions and local community considerations result in variations in the responses to the decarbonisation challenge that are possible for differing ports.

The Mediterranean port of Barcelona, for example has restrictions on wind power production due to the close proximity of the airport as well as to limited wind resources but can, because of its climate, access more solar alternatives. Héctor Calls, Head of Sustainability at the Port explained that unlike some other ports, Barcelona has fewer industrial plants within its precinct.  As a consequence, some 70% of its carbon emissions emanate from maritime vessels, a percentage far higher than many industrialised ports.  While approaching the challenge with a similar ‘three-pillar’ approach to Hamburg, he underlined the need for ports to adapt to their own physical and environmental constraints.

For individual port terminals some of the options to affect emissions are similarly restricted. Jan Hendrik Pietsch, Head of Sustainability at HHLA shared his organisation’s priorities.  Proud of the fact that nearly 50% of hinterland transport of containers is currently by rail, he nevertheless saw this element of the supply chain as a key target to lower emissions further toward the 2040 goal of carbon neutrality.

Pietsch also emphasised the role that technology and process optimisation play in the efforts for increasing operating efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint.  Predictive technology can greatly help the reduction of unnecessary lifts, crane and terminal equipment movements and the better synchronisation of container deliveries and pick-ups, as well as more efficient stack designs.  These contingencies, which save both cost and emissions could perhaps be more relevant to container terminals around the world.

Addressing the collaborative efforts of ports, Alaa Morsy, Professor and Dean of the Port Training Institute at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, based in Alexandria, Egypt drew attention to the success of the MEDPorts Association with its membership of twenty-three ports in the region and five educational and training institutions.  The sharing of a united strategy which the Professor called a Roadmap for a Green Transition is a vital element in the sort of cooperation regional and global ports achieve. Of particular importance, he made clear, are the areas of training and research in which his Academy has communal agreements and active cooperation with similar institutions in Spain, France, and Tunisia.

Alaa Morsy also highlighted the emerging green transition initiatives in Egyptian ports, such as the establishment of Mega Green Hydrogen Ship Refuelling Station in the Suez Canal area and the expansion of the solar energy platforms to serve the ports of Damietta and East Port Said.  These initiatives are all in line with COP27 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) hosted by Egypt in November 2022.

In conclusion, Margaret Kidd quoted Charles Darwin when he wrote – “In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” This adage sums up HPC’s desire to inspire interactive communication among ports through this, and future editions of Connecting Ports.

So much more was shared by the speakers and audience alike and the full session on Connecting Ports can be viewed here Session #01 “Decarbonisation – On Our Way to a Climate-Neutral Port Industry” (

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About HPC

HPC Hamburg Port Consulting operates as a logistics consulting company, specialising in strategy and transformation services for the ports, terminals, and rail sectors. Since its establishment in 1976, the Hamburg-based consulting company has delivered more than 1,700 projects across 130 countries spanning six continents, along the entire port project development cycle. HPC employs about 100 domain experts with a background as terminal operators, software engineers, logistics managers, transport economists and mathematicians. As a subsidiary of the Hamburg Port and Logistics Corporation (HHLA), HPC has its roots in port handling of container, breakbulk and multipurpose, as well as hinterland operations.


The global association representing cargo handling companies, ICHCA International (ICHCA) is delighted to welcome International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada as a new member

As a leading voice in a crucial sector of the global supply chain, ICHCA brings together a wide range of players that perform a vital role in driving the world economy.  The addition of one of the leading labour organizations in Canada will be a tremendous asset in carrying out ICHCA’s primary mission of maintaining and improving safety in all aspects of cargo handling.

ILWU Canada has long advocated for workplace health and safety for its over 7000 members on the west coast of Canada. We believe that re-establishing our membership of ICHCA is an important step.  We feel it is important for ILWU Canada in engage at the international level in the areas of health and safety.  We hope to engage in work at the technical panel level with ICHCA.  It is important to have workers voices at the table.

ICHCA’s has privileged NGO status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Labour Organization (ILO) and other key UN agencies which allows it, on behalf of its members to monitor, contribute to, and influence the development of regulations and guidelines that impact cargo handling and movement worldwide.

“We at ICHCA are proud of the role we have in improving industry standards through coalescing the expertise and knowledge of the world class organizations that make up our membership.  The addition of ILWU Canada to that number is a significant positive step in exerting our collective influence over that improvement,” commented ICHCA’s CEO Richard Steele.  “To count ILWU Canada within our number provides additional evidence of ICHCA’s expanding reach across all aspects of the vast business of moving cargo around the world.”

About ICHCA International

Established in 1952, ICHCA International is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the safety, productivity and efficiency of cargo handling and movement worldwide. ICHCA’s privileged NGO status enables it to represent its members, and the cargo handling industry at large, in front of national and international agencies and regulatory bodies, while its Technical Panel provides best practice advice and develops publications on a wide range of practical cargo handling issues.

Operating through a series of national and regional chapters, including ICHCA Australia, ICHCA Japan and plus Correspondence and Working Groups, ICHCA provides a focal point for informing, educating, lobbying and networking to improve knowledge and best practice across the cargo handling chain.

“K” Line : “Beecle” a next-generation onboard service cart, began trial on car carriers

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has begun trials of a next-generation onboard service cart called “Beecle” which has “zero” CO2 emissions, provided by N.Y. Co., Ltd. (“N.Y.”), with a view of switching from present service car in the future.

Used mini truck is loaded on car carriers operated by “K” LINE and it is used for material transportation, cleaning and maintenance work. The mini truck, called service car, is gasoline-powered and there are some issues such as limited port to supply gasoline, limited location to store of gasoline on board.

The “Beecle” would solve the above issues because the cart is converted from a used electric golf cart and it is powered by a recycled lead-acid battery. Moreover, there is “zero” CO2 emissions at the process of recharging the battery onboard, which will be contributed to reduce environmental impact.

“Beecle” has been loaded onto the SIRIUS HIGHWAY operated by “K” LINE in the end of August and vessel crew use it for 3 months until November as the trial. Through the trial, we will obtain feedback from vessel crew and reflect to the next Beecle.

“K” LINE will continue its efforts to reduce environmental impact.

SAL Heavy Lift and Jumbo Shipping start joint newbuilding programme for ultra-efficient, carbon-neutral heavy lift project vessels

SAL Heavy Lift, one of the world’s leading maritime heavy lift and project cargo carriers, has signed building contracts for four firm plus two optional new generation heavy lift ships with Wuhu Shipyard, China. This joint newbuilding programme involving SAL Heavy Lift and partner Jumbo Shipping is called Orca Class.

Scheduled for delivery starting in mid-year 2024, the first two ships will be exclusively involved in the transportation of offshore wind turbine components in a long-term commitment with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Two additional sister vessels will enter the premium heavy lift shipping market to serve the clients of the Jumbo-SAL-Alliance in the first half of 2025.

Orca Class 1
Orca Class II

“The Orca vessels are setting new standards in global heavy lift shipping. They represent the new benchmark both in terms of their technical capabilities and modern climate-friendly propulsion systems,” says Dr. Martin Harren, Owner and CEO of SAL Heavy Lift and the Harren Group. “The ships will be the most efficient vessels in their class with consumption and emission figures far superior to any existing heavy lift vessel today. As a signatory to the ‘Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization’, our Group has committed to the decarbonisation of shipping activities by 2050. I am proud that this newbuilding order shows how we are keeping our promise for significant, concrete action.”

Orca Class III

The vessels were developed in close cooperation with SAL’s joint venture partner, Jumbo Shipping (Schiedam, The Netherlands), another true heavyweight in the industry. Jumbo Shipping Owner Michael Kahn stresses: “One can say that these ships mark the beginning of a new era for the Jumbo-SAL-Alliance – no exaggeration. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the newbuilding design team at SAL for their great cooperation. I am very impressed with their passion and technical expertise. The ships will help bring us even closer together.”

The vessels measure 149.9 m x 27.2 m and provide a capacity of 14,600 dwt. Despite their compact outer dimensions, the vessels have a box-shaped single cargo hold with the largest dimensions in its class. Provided the hatch covers with a capacity of 10 t/m² are not utilised for stowing super-heavy deck cargoes, such as 3,000 t cable carousels, the vessels can accommodate over-height cargo in the hold and sail with open hatch covers up to full scantling draft.

Christian Johansen, Global Commodity Manager – Ports & Transportation, Offshore at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, says: “We are excited to continue and build on our strategic partnership with SAL Heavy Lift with their Orca Class programme. We see their ultra-efficient profile and carbon-neutral potential as a perfect fit with our aim of decarbonising our supply chain. As companies, we share a lot of the same values – and we are happy to embark on this journey together with SAL.”

Thomas Mortensen, Head of Transport Project Execution, Offshore at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, adds: “We are especially impressed with the flexibility these new vessels represent. Our business is complex, challenged by rapid globalisation as well as the increasing size and weight of our turbine components. The need for flexibility is higher than ever, and the Orcas meet several of our anticipated medium- to long-term transportation challenges. Best-in-class intake, speed and lifting capabilities are all key factors in our decision to work with SAL on the two first Orcas.”

Jan-Peter Esbensen, Managing Director of Jumbo-SAL-Alliance Denmark, has been involved in the discussions with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy from the very beginning: “It is great to see how an initial idea is now turning into such great and trend-setting vessels. We look forward to growing our cooperation with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in the years to come.”

Ice class notation 1A, a Polar Code certification and the reduced design temperature of the hull and equipment allow the ships to safely operate in cold conditions as well.

Two 800 t Liebherr cranes specifically designed for this ship type can handle cargo items weighting up to 1,600 t in tandem. “Despite extremely high crane pedestals of more than 11 m, the overall crane height and thereby the vessel’s air draft remains at just about 38 m. This makes it possible for the vessel to pass Kiel Canal and enter strategically important ports worldwide,” explains Sebastian Westphal, CTO at SAL Heavy Lift. “The fully electric cranes are perfect for the vessel’s intelligent energy management and recovery system. This is based on a battery storage system that can be used together with conventional gensets in hybrid mode, or in combination with the vessel’s shore power connection for fully electric port operations.”

Developed in house, the ship type design expertly combines the experience and know-how from decades of complex heavy lift project execution with the latest technologies. Jakob Christiansen, Head of Research & Development, Retrofit & Newbuilding at SAL Heavy Lift, comments: “We developed and optimised various vessel details, especially in relation to the hull form and propulsion system, in close cooperation with the renowned Naval Architecture faculty at the Hamburg University of Technology. Recent tank performance tests revealed that we have created one of the world’s most efficient hull forms for a vessel of this size – outmatching all existing heavy lift and MPP vessels.”

In addition to the optimised hull design, the Orca vessels will have an innovative propulsion system consisting of compact and efficient main engines and a diesel-electric booster function. Compared to other heavy lift vessel designs, this hybrid setup features the widest available range of economic speed settings and redundancy.

At a service speed of 15 kn, the vessels will consume significantly less than 20 t of fuel oil per day – similar to far smaller-sized and geared MPP vessels. Alternatively, the vessels will be able to trade at a slow, ultra-efficient speed of 10 kn at 6 t while still being able to reach a maximum speed of 18.5 kn for urgent deliveries – if a windfarm installation vessel is waiting for an urgent component delivery, for example.

The vessels are equipped with dual-fuel engines, which means that they can use methanol as an alternative fuel. If green methanol becomes available in key ports as anticipated towards the end of the decade, the Jumbo-SAL-Alliance will be able to offer their customers carbon-neutral transport solutions – a defined environmental protection goal that both companies share. For more information on SAL and Jumbo’s sustainability goals, please see the latest Harren Group sustainability report – now available online.

NaMKü (“Sustainable Modernisation of Coastal Vessels”) funding from the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport allows SAL to utilise pioneering technology in the vessels innovative power train with the target on highest efficiency and significant emission reduction. Among other eco-friendly effects, this will lower NOx emissions 10 percent below the IMO Tier 3 level while undercutting EEDI phase 3 limits for CO2 emissions by 21 percent.

About SAL Heavy Lift

SAL Heavy Lift, a member of the Harren Group, is one of the world’s leading carriers specialised in the sea transport of heavy lift and project cargo. The modern fleet of heavy lift vessels offers highly flexible options to customers in project shipping as well as offshore ventures. With travel speeds of up to 20 kn and combined crane capacities ranging from 550 to 2,000 t, the fleet is among the most advanced in the heavy lift sector.

SAL offers advanced transport and offshore services to multiple sectors with their Type 183 fleet, equipped with dynamic position systems and an optional mountable Fly-Jib for greater crane outreach. With the Type 171 and 116, SAL has a fleet of 1A ice class heavy lift vessels capable of navigating arctic waters and northern sea route transits.

As a leading global company in the heavy lift and project cargo segment, SAL meets the highest standards with regard to quality, technical innovation, health, safety and the environment. SAL’s investments in advanced hydrogen/methanol power generators mark an industry-leading step in applying green technology to their fleet. SAL also has a strong international presence, with sales offices and exclusive agents in over 20 countries.

About Jumbo Shipping

Jumbo has been developing pioneering ocean transportation solutions for over 50 years. Building on its heavy lift capability, Jumbo has rapidly established a sound track record in the offshore subsea installation market since 2003.

Jumbo believes that engineering, safety awareness and environmental care stand at the forefront of a reliable operation. This is why Jumbo has invested – and continues to invest – in the latest state-of-the-art engineering methods, software and equipment. The company also developed an effective in-house safety awareness programme called “Stay Well”.

Today, Jumbo operates versatile and in-house designed heavy lift vessels with a lifting capacity from 800 up to 3,000 t. Two of the J-1800 class construction support vessels, Jumbo’s Fairplayer and Jumbo Javelin, are equipped with a DP2 system, enabling them to provide transport in combination with offshore installation services.

Jumbo built its success on strong client relationships. As a trusted partner, Jumbo strives to assist clients in reaching their goals.

About Jumbo-SAL-Alliance

The Jumbo-SAL-Alliance handles marine logistics for all types of heavy lift, breakbulk and project cargo. Side by side, two of the most prominent and technically advanced heavy lift carriers are combining their strengths and resources to deliver the best engineered heavy transport solutions to customers around the world.

Two united teams and two specialised fleets operate as one shared fleet. Customers benefit from excellent service, an experienced crew and simplified commercial transactions. Jumbo-SAL-Alliance is in full control of their 30 dedicated project cargo vessels. With three DP2 vessels, two range-extending fly-jibs and eleven ice-class vessels, the Alliance can reach nearly any location and master the most demanding project scopes.

Jumbo-SAL-Alliance provides highly flexible shipping solutions and a broad range of services – exceeding any other comparable project cargo shipping service in the market. With lifting capacities up to 3,000 t SWL, Jumbo-SAL-Alliance manages the largest fleet of vessels in the 800+ t lifting segment. This provides a commercial bandwidth that stretches from rapidly positioning vessels for single shipments of all sizes to large volume contracts and even comprehensive solutions for highly complex projects – all under one roof.

A tight-knit group of experienced professionals in a variety of areas, including commercial, engineering, project management and QHSE, works closely together with a strong network of agents and offices around the world. The goal: providing clients, whether EPCs, brokers, forwarders, OEMs, energy companies or others, with a partnership mentality, expert advice and safely delivered goods. Jumbo-SAL-Alliance: stronger, together.

About Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

A pioneer and leader in the wind industry for more than 40 years, Siemens Gamesa is unlocking the power of wind. Today, our team of over 27,000 employees is working at the heart of the global energy revolution to tackle the most significant challenge of our generation – the climate crisis. With a leading position in onshore, offshore, and service, we engineer, build and deliver powerful and reliable wind energy solutions in strong partnership with our customers. A global business with local impact, we have installed more than 124 GW and provide access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy that keeps the lights on around the world. To find out more, visit and connect with us on social media.

Introduction movie of “Seawing”

~An automated kite system harnessing natural wind power for GHG reduction~

Introduction movie of “Seawing”,an automated kite system,was posted on “K” LINE’s YouTube channel.

“K” Line Environmental Vision 2050 sets forth the goals of improving CO2 emission GHG net-zero for 2050 by introducing actively more environmental-friendly fueled vessels and various technology to preserve global environment. “Seawing” reduces at least 20% in CO2 emissions. We are aming to achieve 2030 goal by combining efforts low-carbon fuel and eco-friendly solution such as “Seawing”.

“Seawing” harnessing natural wind power and can be installed on any type of vessel, including existing ones, to all vessels. No energy production or supply facilty is required.

On July 20, we announced signing of technology development agreement to maximize the performance of “Seawing” by integrating “K” LINE’s ship operational technology with utilization of “Kawasaki Integrated Maritime Solutions” and AIRSEAS’s “Seawing” development technology.

In the Medium-Term Management Plan which announced in May, we are committed to smoothly switch to other forms of energy for our company and society toward realization of a low-carbon/decarbonized society.We will continuously strive to contribute to the sustainable development of the society and global environment through the active collaborations and partnership with AIRSEAS.

Press Release about “Seawing” installation

* July 20, 2022: Signing of Additional Purchase Agreement and Technology Development Agreement for Automatic Kite Systems

* July 20, 2021: Signing of a Long-term Consecutive Voyage Charter for our first LNG-fueled Capesize Bulk Carrier with JFE Steel Corporation

* June 7, 2019: Installation of “Seawing”, an automated kite system utilizing natural energy

~ Social contribution by reducing environmental load ~

Why Cargo Owners Should Be Checking For Bugs in Boxes

Invasive pests transferred between countries in intermodal containers have potentially devastating consequences for agriculture and the natural environment.  Global Shippers Forum (GSF) is alerting shippers to the crucial role they play in tightening biosecurity in the container supply chain at the packing point

While there are various sources of potential pest contamination throughout the global freight supply chain, all involved need to take measures to minimise the potentially devastating consequences that unwanted invasive pests can deliver. The Global Shippers Forum (GSF) represents cargo owners which export and import all manner of commodities transported in seaborne containers and urges a greater awareness of the threat.

Hosted by the UK Government on 19th and 20th September a specialised group of trade bodies, shipping industry representatives and national plant protection and bio-security agencies will meet at the International Workshop on Reducing the Introduction of Pests Through the Sea Container Pathway*. GSF will be representing shippers to ensure that the scope and limits of their responsibilities are clearly defined.  James Hookham its Director will be speaking during the opening session.

“We will be reviewing one of the many ways that invasive and destructive pests can pass from one country to another – by ‘hitch-hiking’ a ride in, or on, any of the 240 million freight container shipments that are made by sea every year,” declares Hookham.  “I believe this will be a wake-up call to all parties involved in international container shipping and logistics. In particular, the beneficial cargo owner, whether importer or exporter, who potentially exerts the most influence and control over the packer of the container, need to be aware of their responsibilities in avoiding pest infestation at the point of loading. This assumes the packer provided with a clean container in the first place”

Inspections of containers arriving at borders carried out by national biosecurity agencies over the past few years suggest that the number of containers and cargoes infested by pests may be greater than feared. National environment and agricultural ministries have been working through the UN’s International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to tackle this issue and the London workshop has been convened to consider options for regulating the cleanliness of sea containers and an International Standard for Phytosanitary Measure for the cleanliness of intermodal containers could be in prospect.

GSF has been monitoring and influencing these developments since 2018 when it was invited to join an IPPC Task Force set up to examine the threat to plant health posed by pest-contamination of sea containers.  The Task Force’s report at the end of 2021 set out a range of regulatory options for its parent body, the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) to consider. Crucially, it also warned that implementation of new mandatory requirements could impose significant new costs and risks to the fluidity of the international movement of containers.  GSF has been clear in its opposition to any new rules applying indiscriminately to every container shipment, urging that controls and resources be targeted instead on high-risk trade corridors and specific pest threats.

Hookham warns, “Shippers should not wait to be confronted with new regulations before responding to this issue. Whether acting as a buyer or a seller of goods, importer or exporter, the standards of care with which they are packed into the containers should be core to their quality checks and specifications to suppliers or contractors. Keeping bugs out of boxes is a responsibility that shippers and packers could become more accountable for in the future.”

Global Shippers Forum (GSF)

( is the global business organisation speaking up for exporters and importers as cargo owners in international supply chains and trade procedures. Its members are national and regional shippers’ associations representing hundreds of manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing businesses in over 20 countries across five continents. GSF works for safe, competitively efficient, and environmentally sustainable global trade and logistics.