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HPC completes profitability report on operations of intermodal terminal Cologne North

Analysis served as basis for the process of granting licence to operator

Hamburg, 17 January 2023 – HPC Hamburg Port Consulting, the leading logistics consultancy for seaports and the associated hinterland carriers and logistics chains, was hired in 2022 by HGK Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln KG (HGK) to conduct a profitability analysis for the Cologne North intermodal traffic rail terminal. The analysis made a fundamental contribution to the now completed transfer of terminal operations to HUPAC SA.

Credit©HGK, Cologne

As a provider of logistics solutions for rail and ship, HGK operates a total of three terminals on the Rhine in Cologne as well as a rail network that connects the city with international intermodal logistics hubs. As a public investor, HGK is making a significant contribution to the city of Cologne’s infrastructural provision of public services by successfully completing the second phase of construction at the new bimodal intermodal terminal, Cologne North. The terminal has a capacity of up to 130,000 TEU.

Based on a tender, HGK commissioned traffic consultancy company HPC to carry out a comprehensive profitability analysis. The analysis was intended to be from the perspective of both investors and operators and to serve as the basis of calculating the amount of the lease to be charged for a future investor. The tender of the intermodal operator complies with the requirements of the “Funding guidelines for handling facilities in combined transport” of non-state companies.

“By transferring the terminal to a competent and high-performing partner with its own intermodal rail products within Europe, we can significantly contribute to shifting more freight transport from the roads in the Cologne area to the more climate-friendly rail and waterways,” says Mr. Norbert Di Raimondo, who led the placement project at HGK. “In addition to key operational indicators, the placement criteria were mainly defined by qualitative, macroeconomic sustainability criteria for the northern Cologne region, which were set during the processing stage.”

Credit©HGK, Cologne

“The analysis and assessment of intermodal infrastructure and its integration into existing supply chains over the entire life cycle of cargo handling facilities and against the background of a dynamic market development is one of the core competencies of our consultancy services,” says Hartmut Beyer, authorised signatory at HPC and expert on market development of intermodal transport. “We are delighted to have been able to win the tender through our holistic approach – meaning the market study, the profitability analysis, the evaluation of the macroeconomic effects as well as the consulting on funding, all from a single source.  We extend our gratitude to HGK for their trust.”

With more than 45 years of consultancy experience, HPC is a firmly established name in the domestic logistics community. It works with a close-knit network of companies active in the intermodal traffic system. With over 120 completed projects in rail-based handling of goods around the world, HPC has made a major contribution to the development of this transport sector. In the area of funding consultation, HPC can count involvement in over 50 projects pertaining to funding acquisition at the domestic and European level.

Further information about HPC’s consultancy services for the intermodal sector can be found under

About HPC

HPC Hamburg Port Consulting operates as a logistics consulting company, specialising in strategy and transformation services for the ports, terminals, and rail sectors. Since its establishment in 1976, the Hamburg-based consulting company has delivered more than 1,750 projects across 135 countries spanning six continents, along the entire port project development cycle. HPC employs about 100 domain experts with a background as terminal operators, software engineers, logistics managers, transport economists and mathematicians. As a subsidiary of the Hamburg Port and Logistics Corporation (HHLA), HPC has its roots in port handling of container, breakbulk and multipurpose, as well as hinterland operations.

HPC untersuchte Wirtschaftlichkeit für den Betrieb des KV-Terminal Köln-Nord

Analyse diente als Basis für den Betreiber-Konzessionsvergabeprozess

Hamburg, 17. Januar 2023 – HPC Hamburg Port Consulting, der führende Logistikberater für Seehäfen und die damit verbundenen Hinterlands-Verkehrsträger und Logistikketten, ist im Jahr 2022 von der Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln KG (HGK) beauftragt worden, eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse für das Bahn-Terminal im kombinierten Verkehr in Köln-Nord zu erstellen. Die Analyse leistete einen grundlegenden Beitrag zu der nunmehr erfolgten Vergabe des Terminalbetriebs an die HUPAC SA.

Als Anbieter von Logistiklösungen für Schiene und Schiff ist die HGK-Gruppe Eigentümerin von drei Kölner Rheinhäfen sowie eines Schienennetzes, das die Rheinmetropole mit internationalen Logistik-Drehscheiben des kombinierten Verkehrs verbindet. Mit der erfolgreichen Inbetriebnahme der zweiten Baustufe des neuen bimodalen KV-Terminalneubaus Köln-Nord im Juni 2020 leistet die HGK als städtischer Investor einen wesentlichen Beitrag für die infrastrukturelle Daseinsvorsorge der Stadt Köln. Das Terminal hat eine Kapazität von bis zu 130.000 TEU. 

Auf Basis einer Ausschreibung hatte die HGK das Transportberatungsunternehmen HPC mit einer umfassenden Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung beauftragt. Die Analyse sollte sowohl die Investoren- als auch Betreiberperspektive berücksichtigen und als Grundlage für die Ermittlung der Pachthöhe gelten, die von einem zukünftigen Betreiber erwirtschaftet werden kann. Die Ausschreibung des KV-Betriebes wird von der Richtlinie zur Förderung von Umschlaganlagen des kombinierten Verkehrs nicht bundeseigener Unternehmen vorgeschrieben.

„Mit der Übergabe des Terminals an einen kompetenten und leistungsstarken Partner mit eigenen, intermodalen Zugprodukten im europäischen Raum, können wir entscheidend dazu beitragen, mehr Güterverkehr von den Straßen des Kölner Raums auf die klimafreundlicheren Verkehrsträger Schiene und Wasserwege zu verlegen“, sagt Norbert Di Raimondo, der das Vergabeprojekt bei der HGK verantwortlich leitete. „Maßgebend für die Definition der Vergabekriterien waren neben betriebswirtschaftlichen Kennziffern auch qualitative, gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeits-Kriterien für die Region des Kölner Nordens, die im Rahmen der Bearbeitung festgelegt wurden.“

„Die Analyse und Bewertung intermodaler Infrastruktur und ihre Integration in bestehende Lieferketten vor dem Hintergrund einer dynamischen Marktentwicklung gehört zu den Kernkompetenzen unserer Beratungsdienstleistungen über den gesamten Lebenszirkel einer Frachtumschlags-Anlage“, sagt Hartmut Beyer, Prokurist bei HPC und als Fachexperte für Marktentwicklung Intermodalverkehr verantwortlicher Projektleiter. „Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der die Marktbetrachtung, Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse, Analyse der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte sowie der Fördermittel-Beratung ‚aus einer Hand‘ umfasst, überzeugen konnten. Wir danken der HGK für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen“.

HPC ist mit mehr als 45 Jahren Beratungstätigkeit in der nationalen Logistik-Community fest verankert und verfügt über ein enges Netzwerk mit im Kombinierten Verkehr tätigen Unternehmen. Mit weltweit mehr als 120 umgesetzten Projekten im schienengebundenen Güterumschlag hat HPC zur Weiterentwicklung dieses Sektors signifikant beigetragen. Im Bereich Fördermittel-Beratung kann HPC auf mehr als 50 Projekte nationaler und/oder europäischer Fördermittelakquise-Projekte zurückblicken.

Weitere Informationen über HPC-Beratungsdienstleistungen für den Intermodalsektor finden Sie unter

Über HPC

HPC Hamburg Port Consulting ist ein Hersteller-unabhängiges Logistikberatungsunternehmen, das sich auf Strategie- und Transformationsberatungsleistungen sowie Softwarelösungen für Häfen, See- und Binnenterminals sowie den intermodalen Schienenverkehr spezialisiert hat.  Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1976 hat das Hamburger Beratungsunternehmen mehr als 1.750 Projekte in 135 Ländern auf sechs Kontinenten entlang des gesamten Entwicklungszyklus von Hafenprojekten durchgeführt. HPC beschäftigt rund 100 Fachexperten mit einem Hintergrund als Terminalbetreiber, Softwareingenieure, Logistikmanager, Verkehrswirtschaftler und Mathematiker etc. Als Tochtergesellschaft der Hamburger Hafen- und Logistikgesellschaft (HHLA) hat HPC seine Wurzeln im Hafenumschlag von Containern, Stückgut und Mehrzweckgütern sowie im Hinterlandverkehr.

Fraud is the biggest threat to cargo losses

Criminal fraud in its many and various manifestations within the global supply chain is seen by International freight transport insurer TT Club as a primary and growing threat.  Carrier fraud in particular is a dominant occurrence. Renewed vigilance is required and encouraged by the insurer.

London 12th January, 2023

The almost exclusive use of online facilities to process business transactions allows a myriad of fraudulent pursuits to find opportunities within the complexities of the global supply chain. These have many manifestations; from payment fraud that involves existing mandates and impersonation of executives to procurement fraud featuring false invoicing.

Carrier fraud, in which criminals imitate hauliers and other sub-contractors, including drivers with falsified documents, accounted for 84% of TT claims involving fraud or deception in 2022. TT is eager to pinpoint these risks and offer advice to industry on how to not just identify potential fraud but to minimise and avoid losses through them. 

“No one – from freight forwarders, shippers, and carriers to container owners and logistics, ports, warehouse and depot operators – should underestimate how lucrative an industry fraud is. Using sophisticated, low-risk tactics, fraudsters can easily steal large amounts of money or consignments of cargo,” says Mike Yarwood, Managing Director, Loss Prevention at TT.

“Incidents of fraud that target international supply chains across the globe are not perpetrated by opportunistic criminals working in isolation but in the majority of cases the work of sophisticated organised crime gangs. They have well-honed methodologies that are adaptable in the face of detection devices and changes in operating procedures, as the experience of recent disruption to the freight transport system has proved. Our awareness and readiness to protect our businesses must be stepped-up.”

TT has produced significant resources* to assist operators to shield themselves from fraudulent activities as it sees 15% of its cargo theft claims arise from fraud or deception.  Specific examples include the intentional submission of false invoices purportedly from an established supplier but actually generated by a fraudster infiltrating the online payment system and duplicated or inflated invoices. Other cases, falling into the category of mandate fraud, experience criminal deception by manipulation of bank transfer details by a fraudster pretending to be an organisation paid regularly by the operator by hacking into the victim’s email traffic and imitating a genuine supplier alter bank transfer details for payment of a legitimate invoice. 

TT found however that carrier fraud dominated its claims of this type last year.  There are instances of fake carriers intercepting haulage instructions from forwarders or shippers and posing as the authentic carrier; also falsifying cargo pick-up or delivery documentation to steal loads.

One common tactic is where fraudsters pose as a forwarders using a freight exchange site and provide false instructions to a driver. They match a legitimate haulier to a shipper, facilitating the movement of goods. The fraudster then acts as a ‘middle man’ between these two legitimate companies, arranging the collection and directing the driver. Once the trucker has collected the goods, the fraudster provides new instructions to deliver to an alternative address where the cargo is stolen.

“A key aspect of this scenario is that the driver and the shipper are not in direct contact with one another,” explains Yarwood. “To avoid incidents such as this and other frauds it is crucial to make employees aware of the possibilities, to take extra care to verify documentation and instructions directly with customers and/or trusted partners, especially in pressure situations where carrier options might be in short supply or when there are particular time constraints.” He advises. 

These are but samples of the various modus operandi employed by those intent of defrauding supply chain businesses. TT is determined to maintain a flow of information designed to help the industry combat such practices and to underline both their extent and devious nature in order to reduce financial losses and further disruption to fragile supply chains.

* TT Talk | Be alert to ‘carrier fraud’ (

   TT Talk | Procurement fraud (

  TT Talk | Mandate fraud and CEO fraud: do not be a victim (

  TT Talk | Identifying & avoiding fraud (


About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. TT Club’s primary objective is to help make the industry safer and more secure. Founded in 1968, the Club has more than 1,100 Members, spanning container owners and operators, ports and terminals, and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail, and air. TT Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. It retains more than 93% of its Members with a third of its entire membership having chosen to insure with the Club for 20 years or more.

New appointments to the GEODIS executive committee

GEODIS, world leader in transport and logistics, announces the following appointments:

  • Stéphanie Hervé, Group Executive Vice President, Contract Logistics
  • David-Olivier Tarac, Group Chief Financial Officer
  • Amaury Valicon, Group Chief Performance Officer

Stéphanie Hervé and David-Olivier Tarac will become members of the Group’s executive committee, strengthening the management team working with Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS. Amaury Valicon remains a member of the executive committee, which he joined in 2018 on his appointment as Chief Financial Officer.

Left to right:  David-Olivier Tarac, Group Chief Financial Officer — Stéphanie Hervé, Group Executive Vice President, Contract Logistics — Amaury Valicon, Group Chief Performance Officer

Stéphanie Hervé started her career in 1996 as a logistics solution designer at FM Logistics. She joined GEODIS in 1998 as head of engineering and solution design for the Group, before taking on operational responsibilities in France and other countries from 1999. She took over the general management of contract logistics activities in France, Spain and Morocco in 2007, and was appointed Chief Operating Officer for the Western Europe Middle East Africa region in 2018. Stéphanie holds a Master’s in logistics and transport.

David-Olivier Tarac’s career began in 1998 at the Directorate of Naval Construction in the French Ministry of Defense. He moved to the French Treasury in 2000 and then took up a position in the State Shareholdings Agency, part of the Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Industry. In 2004, he joined the strategic consulting firm, the Boston Consulting Group. In 2008, he was appointed Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the ADP Group. He became an executive vice president of TAV Airports, based in Istanbul, in 2012, and then in 2017 he moved to New York as managing director in charge of the ADP Group’s North and Latin American activities. He joined GEODIS in July 2022 as Deputy Chief Financial Officer. David-Olivier Tarac is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole des Mines de Paris.

Amaury Valicon has held a broad range of responsibilities in finance for over 20 years, of which nearly 15 years in the transport industry. After 7 years in the banking sector at BNP Paribas and Bayerische Landesbank in structured finance and securitization, he joined the M&A team of SNCF Participations in 2004. He then moved to the finance department of SNCF Logistics in 2011 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer of SNCF Logistics in 2014. In January 2018, he joined GEODIS as Group Chief Financial Officer and was appointed to the executive committee. Amaury graduated from the ESSEC business school.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 46,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked world no. 7 in its sector. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.

“K” Line Agreement for Research and Development of the “Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System”

~To improve safe ship operation and realize autonomous ships in the future~ 

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen, Ltd. (“K” LINE KINKAI), and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KHI) have agreed to carry out the research and development of the “Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System” to enhance safety and efficiency of vessel maneuvering, berthing/unberthing, and mooring operations in ports.

The research and development aim to advance and improve safety and efficiency in berthing,

Unberthing, including mooring by combining expertise from “K” LINE and “K” LINE KINKAI with advanced technologies from KHI.

Currently, safe berthing/unberthing operations in ports are ensured by well experienced and knowledgeable shipboard crew about characteristics of ship specific maneuvering and mooring equipment features. For further improvement of safety, this system incorporates the latest technologies, including AI, to assist in safe berthing/unberthing operations. It will be the first system in the world that provides integrated support for all necessary operations from maneuvering in port, berthing/unberthing, mooring including mooring line monitoring. We will install the system on domestic vessels operated by “K” LINE KINKAI as a testing ground for this research and development and establish this system by spring 2025.

“K” LINE group is currently working on the “K”-Assist Project (“K” LINE Autonomous Ship with Safe and Intelligent Supporting Technology), which aims to further enhance safe ship operations through the integration of expertise in safe operations and advanced technologies. “Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System” is one of the components of the project.

“K” LINE will continue research and development to improve safety even further by providing more sophisticated support for shipboard crew and reducing their workload, as well as to realize autonomous ships in the future.

Overview of “Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System”

*1 KICS® (Kawasaki Integrated Control System) is a system that can comprehensively control multiple steering elements such as controllable pitch propeller, swivel thruster, side thruster, and rudder.

*2 DPS (Dynamic Positioning System) is a system that maintains the vessel’s planned position and heading by automatically controlling the vessel’s propulsion system and rudder. It features real-time monitoring of the vessel’s position through GPS or other position-measuring devices. 

For reference:

“K” Line – Yokohama Daikoku C-4 Terminal Launch Operation of the Yard Management System

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) and Daito Corporation (Daito) have started operating the “Yard Management System” (the system) at the Port of Yokohama Daikoku C-4 Terminal, the first dedicated finished-vehicle terminal in Japan for “K” LINE Group November 2022.

The System manages the status of loading/unloading, vehicle information, and storage locations in the terminal, and its mapping function enables automatic creation of storage maps, making it possible to visualize the status of vehicles more accurately and clearly at a glance. In addition, we aim for efficient yard operations by utilizing the system, such as forecasting the number of vehicles to be stored by accumulating and analyzing past data.

We manage export used vehicles by using QR codes. Also, we can improve the accuracy and efficiency of operations by using handheld equipment, which make us possible to see the status of vehicles quickly and accurately ascertained from anywhere and the latest information can be shared by all parties concerned through the system.

Since the start of operations in April 2022, the terminal has been working to become more environmentally friendly by converting operational vehicles used on the premises to EVs, installing solar carports, and using electricity with virtually zero CO2 emissions from renewable energy sources.

With the introduction of digital technology, the terminal will be able to respond flexibly and proactively to customer needs as a terminal with even higher added value and will strive to always be the preferred choice of customers.

Related Release

May 19th, 2022:“K” LINE Group’s Yokohama Daikoku C-4 Terminal Starts Operation Utilizing Renewable Energy

Handheld terminal of Yard management system
The handheld terminal reads the QR code affixed to the loading table to grasp and register vehicle information.
Vehicle information can be color-coded according to status.
All parties involved can share the latest information for more efficient fleet management.

GEODIS Opens Center of Excellence in Bangalore, India

GEODIS, leading global logistics provider, has established in Bangalore its sixth strategic control tower for its Supply Chain Optimization Line of Business which specializes in supply chain management and advisory. Bangalore Center of Excellence (CoE) will provide customers with end-to-end visibility, performance monitoring and continuous improvement to supply chain processes on a 365/7/24 multilingual basis.

Officially opened during a formal ceremony on the 21st December, the Bangalore Center of Excellence (CoE) operates with 60 supply chain experts and complements the existing centers in Mexico, USA, France, Serbia and China. Centralizing the technology, processes, and people needed to collect supply chain data, GEODIS CoEs provide customers with the visibility required to inform the necessary ‘live’ decision-making.

In performing the formalities at the opening ceremony, Eric Gerbi, Executive Vice President, for GEODIS Supply Chain Optimization line of business said: “GEODIS Centers of Excellence are aimed to help build a culture of excellence in our customers’ supply chain management. We strive to achieve this through managing their business from one place and improve the required overall visibility. Working closely with customers, our teams of experts optimize operational processes. By exerting total control of the supply chain, they improve resiliency as well as accelerate decision-making.  These are crucial outcomes, particularly in today’s complex and global supply chain ecosystem.”

Acting as an extension of customers’ supply chain organization (international and domestic flows, warehousing, last mile delivery, reverse logistics), Bangalore CoE will render services from order management to pick-up and delivery management, exception management, and freight bill audit. GEODIS’ web-based innovative visibility platform forms the backbone of the center of excellence while ensuring end-to-end visibility, performance monitoring and enhancement, continuous improvement and network optimization.

The new CoE’s location in Bangalore was chosen primarily for the availability of a critical mass of talented supply chain specialists. The investment was also attracted by the fact that India has the world’s fifth largest economy with a high growth rate and the biggest population of graduates.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.

Declining trade is testing shippers’ patience, pockets and commitment

As global trade declined during the second half of 2022, in response to severe economic headwinds in many countries and the continued effects of the Covid-129 pandemic, the GSF/MDS Transmodal Container Shipping Market Review reflected the impacts on the activity and fortunes of shippers of unitised goods in international trade.

The latest edition of the Container Shipping Market Quarterly Review published today, reports data from the third quarter of year – a time of marked increases in consumer and producer price inflation, historically large increases in interest rates by central banks and high levels of stock inventories in many importing countries. Global energy prices edged higher amid disruptions to supplies arising from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

However, the impacts of widespread ‘lock-downs’ and stay-at-home orders in China to contain the spread of Covid-19 do not appear to have significantly affected export volumes according to its national trade statistics.

Key highlights of the Review include:

  • Trade volumes of goods capable of being transported in containers continued the decline observed at the end of Quarter 2, but the drop in overall volumes was much less than that reported by the container shipping sector. This is attributed to commodities, such as coffee, scrap metal and plywood, that can also be carried in bulk or semi-bulk form, switching away from containerised movements where shipping rates remain relatively high.
  • Despite falling for a second quarter, carriers’ unit revenues (earnings per container moved) were still 2.8 times higher than pre-Covid rates whereas unit operating costs have only risen by a factor of 1.5 over the same period. Cost pressures have largely been higher charter rates and a slow rise in fuel costs that has since receded. Container shipping lines remain highly profitable despite a falling market.
Figure 4.1
  • Spot rates fell by a fifth during the period, leaving many shippers ‘burnt’ by their decisions to commit to long-term contacts earlier in the year and questioning the many sources in the industry who confidently predicted that disruptive congestion and capacity shortages would continue through 2022 and beyond.
Figure 3.1
  • Adding to shippers’ frustrations, service levels remained at historic lows, with the predictability of arrivals still at only 85 per cent, meaning 1 in 6 sailings arrived later than normally expected.
Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated
 Figure 7.1 
  • The modest improvements recorded in the number of scheduled port calls made, at 90 per cent, is a welcome positive that can be partly attributed to the rising number of sailings that were ‘blanked’ during the period and didn’t sail at all, so easing the pressure on intermediate ports. Many of these saw an improvement in the proportion of expected capacity actually calling at the port s monitored but the proportion of lost capacity is still at historically high levels.
Chart, line chart

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Figure 7.2

Mike Garratt, Chair of MDS Transmodal said:

“In quarter 3 2022 we saw the mean rates charged by the major lines continuing to suppress the proportion of container traffic they carried while the role played by new entrants was small. During quarter 3 we have seen several of these recent entrants leave the market as spot rates have fallen sharply, while leaving mean rates paid much higher. With a combination of stagnant demand and few ships now being delayed by port congestion, one would expect competition for shippers’ business to lead to a recovery of the share of the overall cargo market carried by container.”

James Hookham, Director of Global Shippers Council, commented:

“The quarter saw the downturn in volumes recorded at the end of Quarter 2 turn into a sustained decline – conditions that have not been seen in the container shipping market for over ten years. Many shippers are experiencing the behaviour of the market under such conditions for the first time.

“Blanked sailings, slow steaming and other capacity management measures will add to the catalogue of frustrations accumulated over the previous 30 months of record high rates and poor levels of service”.

“The widening gap between spot rates and contact prices agreed six months prior to these data will anger shippers further and demands a flexible and immediate response by carriers if their dream of securing a majority of their business on contract ted terms is to be achieved.”

“The big question going into 2023 will be how much of their diminished volumes will shippers commit to renegotiated contracts and how much will they reserve for the spot market, which is expected to fall to below pre-Covid levels in the next few weeks?”

“Countering this trend will be efforts to manage capacity through ‘blanked sailings’ However, the extent to which spot rates are being supported by this permitted co-ordination between consortia partners is playing out just as competition authorities in Europe and North America are evaluating existing anti-trust measures and considering possible options for the future”.

Notes to Editors

  • Mike Garratt, Chairman of MDS Transmodal, is available for interview. Please contact +44 (0) 1244 348301
  • Media Contact:  The Container Shipping Market Quarterly Review for Quarter 2 2022 is available in PDF format on request from Maria Udy, Portcare International. +44 (0) 7979 868539.
  • The Container Shipping Market Quarterly Review is produced every three months and reports, interprets and comments on trends and developments in the container shipping market as experienced and understood by shippers – the importers and exporting businesses that own the cargo carried on container ships. Shippers are the customers of the container shipping industry.
  • The Quarterly Review collates and reports outputs from MDS Transmodal’s established and respected Container Business Model and other tools that are relied upon by governments and international agencies around the world. Working with GSF, MDST has generated eight new indicators showing how the market is performing in terms that are relevant and applicable to shippers as users and customers of these services.
  • MDS Transmodal (MDST, is a UK firm of transport economists which specialises in maritime and all other modes of freight transport. MDST works with senior management in the public and private sectors to provide strategic advice based on quantitative analysis, modelling and sectoral expertise.
  • Global Shippers Forum ( is the global business organisation speaking up for exporters and importers as cargo owners in international supply chains and trade procedures. Its members are national and regional shippers’ associations representing hundreds of manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing businesses in over 20 countries across five continents. GSF works for safe, competitively efficient, and environmentally sustainable global trade and logistics.

Customs4trade receive ISO 21001:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 certification

In a bid to continuously monitor and maximise security for customers and employees, C4T are pleased to announce that they have received their ISO 27001:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 certification, the internationally recognised standard for security and compliance, specifying

requirements for an organisation’s quality management system (QMS) and information security management system (ISMS). Receiving the ISO certifications demonstrates that C4T has invested in its people, processes, technology, and quality.

“We are extremely proud of this achievement and committed to maintaining the highest available security standards to protect our customers and employees. Being accredited with the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification is a vital step in this process and further validates our commitment to good governance and information security and quality, and we look forward to continuing to serve our clients and employees with the highest security and quality standards” Rupert Spiegelberg, CEO.

ISO 9001 is a national standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) to help businesses become more efficient to improve customer satisfaction.

ISO 27001 certification for information security and privacy best practices. 

For more information on the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification, please visit

About Customs4trade (C4T)

C4T has an unique team of customs experts and best-of-breed technology engineers and has developed CAS, a one-of-a-kind software solution for customs and trade compliance. Managed Customs Services have been added to this product offering, helping companies make the most of their software investment.

CAS is a collaborative hub, built on the Microsoft Azure platform and delivered as a service (SaaS). It is designed to manage regional and worldwide customs and trade compliance quickly and accurately, within one single platform. CAS provides customers with continual updates and feature enhancements, including the incorporation of any changes to legislation and compliance regulation—along with Azure’s signature accessibility, scalability, and security.

Forward-thinking companies are turning to C4T to help them navigate customs and trade with native-cloud software and managed services for their organisation’s highest strategic benefit.  

For more information or to contact the company, please visit    

GEODIS announces plans to acquire trans-o-flex to further develop its integrated freight network in Germany / GEODIS gibt Pläne zur Übernahme von trans-o-flexbekannt, um sein integriertes Frachtnetz in Deutschland weiter auszubauen

GEODIS has signed an agreement to acquire trans-o-flex, a leading company in the premium express sector in Germany specialized in temperature controlled transport for pharmaceutical products as well as in time definite delivery of products for cosmetics, automotive and high-tech industries. Since 2016 the company is owned by the families Schoeller and Amberger who have invested to scale it up to a leading specialized distribution player.

Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS, said: “The acquisition of trans-o-flex is a key step forward enabling us to increase our footprint in Germany. It is consistent with our ambition to strengthen our global end-to-end logistics solutions to support our customers’ growth and geographic development. This acquisition will position GEODIS as a leading player in the healthcare market and will significantly enhance our delivery capabilities in Germany, a country at the heart of global trade. We have been impressed by the expertise and the commitment to the highest quality of service of trans-o-flex’s management team. We welcome the trans-o-flex team to GEODIS and together we believe we can further support our customers on both sides by combining our respective and complementary strengths in Germany, in Europe and globally. In order to achieve this, we have agreed with Christoph Schoeller, who is currently trans-o-flex’s Chairman of the Advisory Board, Vice-Chairman of the supervisory board and shareholder with Peter Amberger, that he will remain as Vice-Chairman of the new supervisory board presided by myself.”

Founded in 1971, trans-o-flex operates Germany’s largest temperature-controlled distribution network specializing in healthcare, handling both parcels and pallets. Trans-o-flex is headquartered in Germany and has recently expanded its activity in Austria, which offers opportunities for further developments. Trans-o-flex employs around 2,000 people across 77 hubs and local agencies which enable the company to offer Express logistics solutions throughout Germany.

Christoph Schoeller and Peter Amberger, representatives of the shareholders said:” Since we acquired trans-o-flex in 2016, the company has further established its leadership in the temperature-control healthcare and premium Express delivery through its widely-recognized quality network and its high reliability of service throughout Germany and Austria. This has been achieved under the leadership of Wolfgang P. Albeck, trans-o-flex’s CEO who has built an expert team of people around him with a unique “can do” attitude and commitment to highest customer satisfaction. We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation to Wolfgang Albeck and his team. We have no doubt they will continue to be engaged in delivering highest performances when joining GEODIS.”

Christoph Schoeller adds: “I am glad to be part of the continuation of the success story of trans-o-flex as vice-chairman of the supervisory board. Together with GEODIS, we will scale the trans-o-flex model internationally and thus further increase the benefits for our customers.”

The closing of this deal will be effective after completion of the usual regulatory approvals.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express, and Road Transport. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and more than 44,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 7 in its sector across the world. In 2021, GEODIS generated €10.9 billion in revenue.

GEODIS gibt Pläne zur Übernahme von trans-o-flexbekannt, um sein integriertes Frachtnetz in Deutschland weiter auszubauen

GEODIS hat eine Vereinbarung zur Übernahme von trans-o-flex unterzeichnet, einem führenden Unternehmen im Bereich des Premium-Expresstransports in Deutschland, das auf den temperaturgeführten Transport pharmazeutischer Produkte sowie die zeitgenaue Lieferung von Produkten für die Kosmetik- und Hightechindustrie spezialisiert ist. Seit 2016 gehört das Unternehmen den Familien Schoeller und Amberger, die in den Ausbau der Firma zu einem führenden spezialisierten Logistikunternehmen investiert haben.

Marie-Christine Lombard, Vorstandsvorsitzende von GEODIS, erklärte in diesem Zusammenhang: „Die Übernahme von trans-o-flex ist ein wichtiger Schritt nach vorn, der es uns ermöglicht, unsere Präsenz in Deutschland auszuweiten. Sie steht im Einklang mit unserem Bestreben, unsere globalen End-to-End-Logistiklösungen zu stärken, um das Wachstum und die geografische Entwicklung unserer Kunden zu unterstützen. Dank der Übernahme wird GEODIS sich als führender Akteur im Gesundheitsmarkt positionieren, während sich unsere Lieferkapazitäten in Deutschland, einem Land im Zentrum des weltweiten Handels, deutlich verbessern. Wir sind von der Kompetenz und dem Engagement des Managementteams von trans-o-flex für Spitzenleistungen in der Servicequalität beeindruckt. Wir heißen das Team von trans-o-flex bei GEODIS herzlich willkommen und sind der Überzeugung, dass wir unsere Kunden gemeinsam noch besser unterstützen können, indem wir unsere sich ergänzenden Stärken, in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit miteinander kombinieren. In diesem Bestreben haben wir mit Christoph Schoeller, dem derzeitigen Beiratsvorsitzenden und stellvertretenden Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden von trans-o-flex, gemeinsam mit Peter Amberger, Aktionär der Gesellschaft, vereinbart, Herrn Schoeller zum stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des neuen, unter meinem Vorsitz geführten Aufsichtsrats zu ernennen.“

Das 1971 gegründete Unternehmen trans-o-flex betreibt Deutschlands größtes temperaturgeführtes Distributionsnetz, das auf das Gesundheitswesen und den Transport von Paketen und ganzen Paletten spezialisiert ist. Trans-o-flex hat seinen Hauptsitz in Deutschland, und hat in Österreich weiter expandiert, um die dortigen Möglichkeiten für die Weiterentwicklung zu nutzen. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt rund 2.000 Mitarbeitende an 77 Hubs und lokalen Standorten, die es ermöglichen, für ganz Deutschland einen Express-Versand anzubieten.

Christoph Schoeller und Peter Amberger, Vertreter der Aktionäre, erklärten dazu: „Seit der Übernahme von trans-o-flex] im Jahr 2016 hat das Unternehmen seine Führungsposition in der temperaturgeführten Express-Lieferung für Arzneitmittel und Premiumprodukte dank seines anerkannten Qualitätsnetzes und seiner hohen Servicezuverlässigkeit in Deutschland und Österreich beständig ausgebaut. Dies wurde unter der Leitung von Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO von trans-o-flex, erreicht, der um sich herum ein Expertenteam mit einer einzigartigen „Can-Do“-Einstellung und der Verpflichtung zu höchster Kundenzufriedenheit aufgebaut hat. Wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, um Herrn Albeck und seinem Team unsere tiefste Anerkennung auszusprechen und haben keinen Zweifel daran, dass sie sich bei GEODIS auch weiterhin für Höchstleistungen einsetzen werden. Ich freue mich, als stellvertretender Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender an der Fortsetzung der Erfolgsgeschichte von trans-o-flex mitwirken zu dürfen. Gemeinsam mit GEODIS werden wir das Geschäft von trans-o-flex international skalieren und damit den Nutzen für unsere Kunden weiter maximieren.“, so Christoph Schoeller.

Der Abschluss der Transaktion wird nach Erteilung der üblichen behördlichen Genehmigungen wirksam.


GEODIS ist ein weltweit führender Transport- und Logistikdienstleister, bekannt für sein Engagement, die logistischen Herausforderungen seiner Kunden zu meistern. Mit seinem auf Wachstum ausgerichteten Serviceangebot (Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express und Road Transport), in Verbindung mit einem globalen Netzwerk, welches weltweit fast 170 Länder umfasst, erreicht GEODIS Top-Platzierungen unter den Logistikdienstleistern: #1 in Frankreich, #7 weltweit. GEODIS beschäftigte mehr als 44.000 Mitarbeiter und erwirtschaftete einen Umsatz von 10,9 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2021.

“K” LINE enters into long-term contracts with Northern Lights for two liquefied CO2 vessels

~ World’s first full scale CCS project ~

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) and Northern Lights JV DA have signed Bare Boat Charter and Time Charter contracts for two 7,500 m3 liquefied CO2 ships. The ships will be delivered in 2024 and will contribute to the world’s first full-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain.

The London-based subsidiary “K” LINE LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd. will undertake the management of two ships transporting liquefied CO2 from industrial emitters, including the Norcem Brevik and Hafslund Oslo Celsio carbon capture facilities, to the Northern Lights CO2 receiving terminal in Øygarden, Norway.

““K” LINE has deep experience in liquefied gas transport and a strong safety and environmental track record. We are pleased to partner with “K” LINE in operationalising this innovative value chain”, said Børre Jacobsen, Managing Director of Northern Lights.

CO2 transport is a key component to connect industrial emitters in Europe to suitable and safe CO2 storage sites such as the one operated by Northern Lights in the North Sea. Northern Lights offers a ship-based solution that provides flexibility to reach emitters across Europe.

Shipping is a scalable CO2 transport solution that is well-suited for sailing distances in Europe. Developing a flexible shipping solution as part of the world’s first cross-border CO2 transport and storage network, Northern Lights contributes to the development of a market for CO2 storage.

“We are honoured to participate in the Northern Lights project and contribute to the decarbonisation of industry. We have been able to develop a new field by making use of our decades of know-how in liquefied gas transport”, said Yukikazu Myochin, President and CEO of “K” LINE.

Northern Lights and “K” LINE will jointly establish operational procedures for safe transportation of liquefied CO2. The ships are classified by DNV and will be registered in Norway and operated under Norwegian (NOR) flag by mainly Norwegian shipboard personnel.

About Northern Lights

Northern Lights is developing an open and flexible infrastructure to transport CO2 from industrial emitters by ship to a receiving terminal in western Norway for intermediate storage, before being transported by pipeline for permanent storage in a geological reservoir 2,600 meters under the seabed. Operations are scheduled to start in 2024. The facilities are under construction and will enable Northern Lights to offer a safe and reliable shipping and storage service to industrial emitters from across Europe. With increased interest from industrial sectors in Europe, additional shipping and storage capacity will be developed as demand grows. Northern Lights JV DA is a registered, incorporated General Partnership with Shared Liability (DA) owned equally by Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies.

About Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE)

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) founded in 1919 is one of the largest shipping companies in the world. “K” LINE has a long history and diversified track-record in ownership and technical management of liquefied gas carriers since delivering its first LPG carrier in 1974 and first LNG carrier in 1983. Based on such extensive experience of safe navigation and cargo operation of liquefied gas carriers, “K” LINE will contribute to safety and reliable liquefied CO2 transportation in the new CCS market. “K” LINE Group, as a globally trusted logistics company rooted in the shipping industry, will continue to work toward realizing low-carbon and carbon-free business operations and supporting decarbonization of society as a whole in order to realize a sustainable society and increase its corporate value, based on its corporate philosophy of “helping make the lives of people more affluent”.


Northern Lights Liquefied CO2 vessel (Provided by Northern Lights JV DA.)

Dimensions and Characteristics

Cargo tank capacity    : 7,500㎥

Length overall             :130m

Breadth                       :21.2m

Draft                            :7.5m