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Portcare International is the press relations consultancy for the shipping and logistics industry. Formed by transport people for transport people. We can truly claim to understand our clients’ needs and ‘talk the same language’. Portcare provide effective, value for money PR to some of the industry’s best-known names.

New Appointment to the GEODIS Management Board

GEODIS, world leader in transport and logistics, announces the appointment of Marc Vollet as Executive Vice-President of GEODIS’s European Road Network Line of Business.  He will be a member of the Group’s Management Board, which is chaired by Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS.

Marc Vollet, Executive Vice-President of GEODIS’s European Road Network Line of Business

Marc Vollet has 30 years’ experience in managing operations and leading international teams at GEODIS. His career began with a series of operational positions in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. In 2000, he was appointed manager of the Grenoble and Chanas sites in the east of France, dedicated to the Chemicals and Gas sectors. Five years later, he became CEO of BM Chimie, an entity specializing in transporting chemical and gas products in Europe. In 2009, Marc was named Director of Operations for the Group’s European Road Network activity. Between 2017 and 2019, he broadened his duties by taking responsibility for the purchasing and technical departments as well as the operational excellence department and the engineering unit of the European Road Network Line of Business. In 2021, he was also put in charge of developing the Group’s multimodal offer in Europe to accelerate the decarbonization of transport activities.

Marc Vollet holds an international master’s degree in management and business development.


GEODIS is a leading global logistics provider acknowledged for its expertise across all aspects of the supply chain. As a growth partner to its clients, GEODIS specializes in four lines of business: Global Freight Forwarding, Global Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express Transport, and European Road Network. With a global network spanning nearly 170 countries and 53,000 employees, GEODIS is ranked no. 5 in its sector across the world. In 2023, GEODIS generated €11.6 billion in revenue. GEODIS is a company owned by SNCF group.

“K” Line : Compliance Month in FY2024

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) sets every November as Compliance Month and conducts many different initiatives related to compliance during the month. In connection with Compliance Month in the current fiscal year, “K” LINE implemented the four initiatives below over two months, November and December.

1.           Message from the President

“K” LINE distributed a video message from the President to officers and employees to enable them to have a renewed awareness of the importance of compliance through a direct call from the top management.

2.           Compliance seminar

“K” LINE distributed videos of seminars by its legal advisors who lectured on competition laws, the prevention of corruption and harassment. They provided officers and employees with opportunities to think about compliance as an issue that matters to them.

3.           Compliance awareness survey

“K” LINE conducted a compliance awareness survey of its officers and employees to understand their awareness of compliance and to broadly collect comments and requests from them. “K” LINE will incorporate this feedback and its officers and employees’ wishes into its future initiatives related to compliance.

4.           Compliance slogan

“K” LINE invited officers and employees to suggest compliance slogans, aiming to improve their awareness of compliance, and recognized outstanding submissions.

“K” LINE seeks to achieve continued growth and to enhance value by supporting the infrastructure of the global community as a partner trusted by all of its stakeholders. To continue to be trusted by society and to continue its business activities in a sound manner, compliance is essential for companies. The “K” LINE Group will continue to work as one to always remain trusted and selected by customers and other stakeholders.

Related webpage

“K” LINE carries out many different compliance initiatives throughout the year, not just during Compliance Month. It showcases these initiatives on a dedicated webpage.

“K” Line : 2025 New Year’s Message from the President

Preparing for Coming Changes with an Unwavering Medium- to Long-Term Perspective

The New Year Message delivered by Yukikazu Myochin, President & CEO
at “K” LINE Tokyo Head Office on January 6, 2025 is posted below.

To everyone in the “K” LINE Group, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy New Year. I hope that you were able to spend an enjoyable year-end and New Year period, and that you are ready to start 2025 feeling refreshed.

Looking back on the global situation last year, the situation in the Red Sea had a serious impact on international shipping and supply chains overall. The materialization of geopolitical risks in the Middle East region posted a threat to the safe navigation of commercial vessels navigating the Red Sea, forcing vessels to deviate and go via the Cape of Good Hope to ensure the safety of vessels and their crews. There will also be a change in administrations as a result of the US presidential election, and major changes to trade and energy policies are expected. It will be important to carefully monitor the impact on the economy and how supply chains and demand for maritime transport will change going forward. While there will be heightened uncertainty surrounding geopolitical risks, we will keep a close watch on demand through our partnerships with customers and take this opportunity to thoroughly manage our exposure and strengthen our resilience to market conditions in order to prepare for short-term fluctuations in demand and market conditions.

Meanwhile, turning attention to environmental regulations affecting maritime shipping, from January 2024 the emissions trading scheme within the European Union, the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), was formally introduced, and in 2025 this will be followed by the new introduction of FuelEU Maritime. Even the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has finally gotten into full swing discussing measures on the introduction of further action encouraging the switch from conventional fossil fuel-driven vessels to zero emission vessels in order to cut the greenhouse gas emissions generated by international shipping. In the United States, however, there are expectations that the change in administrations will result in major revisions to low-carbon and carbon-free trends. At the global scale, I believe the major trend of reducing greenhouse gas emissions will persist, but with regional variations and shifts in timelines expected, we are looking to steadily pursue initiatives to reduce our environmental impact from a medium- to long-term perspective without being swayed by short-term developments.

Meanwhile, last year “K” LINE reached the mid-way point of its five-year medium-term management plan that was started in FY2022. This fiscal year, we expect to generate ordinary income of 240 billion yen for the full year, far exceeding our target ordinary income of 160 billion yen for FY2026, the final year of the plan. We have also raised our forecast cumulative operating cash flow over the period of the medium-term management plan from an initial 1 trillion yen to 1.5 trillion yen in November 2024. We are also promoting the investments needed to enhance corporate value without lessening our investment discipline, raising our planned investments over the course of the medium-term management plan to 740 billion yen, up from an initial 520 billion yen. Amid a turbulent business environment surrounding maritime shipping, let’s remember the need to “restraint during prosperous times and strategic moves during market downturns,” adopting a disciplined approach to investments that will lead to the growth of “K” LINE while maintaining financial soundness and improving corporate value. Additionally, we have similarly adjusted our total shareholder return target to 730 billion yen or more. For this fiscal year, we plan to increase the dividend by 15 yen per share to 100 yen and, in addition to the share buy-back of 90.8 billion yen conducted from May to July, we plan to conduct additional share buy-backs during FY2024, up to 90 billion yen or 36 million shares, starting in November. While maintaining financial soundness and always being aware of the optimal capital structure, we will actively consider shareholder returns regarding the portion exceeding the appropriate capital, based on cash flow.

While we benefited from factors such as market conditions and exchange rates, it was the day-to-day efforts of each officer and employee that allowed us to achieve solid performance in “K” LINE’s own businesses, particularly in the three growth-driving businesses. At the same time, we also managed to improve the resilience of the container shipping business. Each of these businesses made progress exceeding their targets. In addition to efforts to improve our fleet with environmentally friendly vessels for the car carriers and coal & iron ore carriers and the expansion of LNG carriers based on medium- to long-term agreements, in the logistics business “K” LINE LOGISTICS, LTD. has implemented a capital alliance with Kamigumi Co., Ltd. In terms of new businesses that leverage the strengths of “K” LINE, we have been steadily planting seeds for future growth. Examples include liquified CO2 carriers with the world’s first full-scale CCS project with Northern Lights which began full operations under “K” LINE’s operation and ship management after taking delivery of the first vessel in November last year, and the launch of the Japanese-flagged geological survey vessel EK HAYATEby EK Geotechnical Survey LLC.

Further strengthening the three functions that represent “K” LINE’s strengths, namely safety & ship quality management, environment & technology and digital transformation, along with the human resources & organization to support them, are vital keys in implementing our medium-term management plan.

Safety in navigation and cargo operations is our top priority for a shipping company, requiring thorough, ongoing efforts of this nature. Last year was another period of zero major accidents for “K” LINE, and this is another achievement attributable to the highly aware efforts of all officers and employees, including shipboard crew. We have been integrating our ship management systems to put in place a global monitoring framework and have made progress developing a structure enabling us to support “K” LINE vessels operating around the world 24/7, year-round. Amid demands to acquire new technologies including support for new fuels, we will make further improvements to our training centers in Manila and India to secure and cultivate talented crew.

In the area of the environment & technology, the “K” LINE Group is also speeding up efforts to implement ammonia and methanol as next-generation zero emission fuels to replace heavy oil and introduce biofuels compatible with our existing vessels, as part of our goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In addition, we are working on the research and adoption of various energy-saving technologies and are directing efforts to establish technologies and commercialize Seawing, an automated kite system that aims to reduce fuel consumption by harnessing wind power. We are also combining hardware aspects with the software side to advance environmental strategies company-wide as part of digital transformation efforts. For example, we operate Kawasaki Integrated Maritime Solutions, our integrated ship operation and performance management system to consolidate operational information from our vessels and data on weather and oceanographic conditions. This allows us to prepare various options and use optimal solutions for our services.

Lastly in terms of human resources & organization, we are working to secure the human resources that are needed for business growth both in terms of quantity and quality, striving to cultivate talent who will enable us to strengthen the three functions “K” LINE is tackling as its priorities. To further expand our global business with a focus on Asia due to its future growth prospects, we will place an even greater focus on developing our core human resources, including local staff.

2025 is the year of the wood snake according to the Chinese zodiac. The “wood” part represents proceeding through twists and turns despite difficulties, and the “snake” here is associated with a snake shedding its skin to grow stronger, thus symbolizing “rebirth and transformation.” Together, the wood snake signifies “steadily achieving things through sustained effort.” Amid rapidly changing social conditions, we need to thoroughly consider what our customers are seeking and what value we can provide, and then present them with solutions. Let’s demonstrate teamwork in developing those solutions with other members of the “K” LINE Group, pursue growth opportunities through partnerships with customers over the medium- and long-term, and strive to achieve sustainable growth while maximizing corporate value.

I would like to end these remarks by extending my best wishes for the health and well-being of all our officers, employees, overseas staff and crew members, as well as their families, and for the safe operation of our vessels.

Publication of “K” LINE REPORT 2024

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) is pleased to announce the publication of “K” LINE REPORT 2024.

In the “K” LINE REPORT, it provides information from both financial and non-financial perspectives with the goal of helping all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, better understand the progress of the Group’s capital policy, business strategy, and functional strategy as outlined in the medium-term management plan, as well as its efforts in sustainability, including its response to climate change.



“K” LINE REPORT is published exclusively in PDF format. To ensure readability on screens such as computers and tablets, the layout has been changed to A4 landscape format. Links, including those in the contents, have also been added to enhance usability and searchability.


“K” LINE’s Operated Vessel to Receive Supply of Marine Biofuel for the First Time in Japan

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) is pleased to announce that on Monday, December 9, marine biofuel was supplied to VIKING OCEAN, a car carrier it operates, at Yokohama Daikoku C-4 Terminal, a finished-vehicle terminal operated by the “K” LINE Group. This is the first time that “K” Line has supplied biofuel to its operated vessels in Japan. The owner of the vessel is Norwegian based Gram Car Carriers, a long-term partner of “K” LINE.

Marine biofuel has the potential to become an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. and the FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) component of the marine biofuel will be able to reduce CO2 emissions by about 84% in the well-to-wake (from fuel generation to consumption) process without changing current engine specifications.

VIKING OCEAN being fueled with marine biofuel

This marine biofuel contains 24% of FAME blended with very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) and is expected to reduce the emissions from the voyage of the VIKING OCEAN by approx. 190 tons of CO2.

The marine biofuel is made from renewable organic resources, such as biomass which don’t utilize as foodstuff and feed crop.

VIKING OCEAN being fueled with marine biofuel

In “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 -Blue Seas for the Future- *¹, “K” LINE has set the 2030 interim target of improving CO2 emissions efficiency by 50% compared with 2008, surpassing the IMO target of a 40% improvement. Furthermore, it sets its new target for 2050 as “The Challenge of Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions.” In the action plan for this vision, “K” LINE will continue working to introduce alternative fuels that will enable it to reduce its environmental impact, as it works to achieve the targets above.

*¹ “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050: Blue Seas for the Future

As part of our action plan to reduce GHG, we are engaged in a number of initiatives, for instance introducing zero-emission fuels such as ammonia and hydrogen fuels, and carbon-neutral fuels such as bio-LNG and synthetic fuels.

“K” LINE Held FY2024 Global Meetings for LNG Group and Carbon Solution Business Group

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) held global meetings at its headquarters—on December 16 for the LNG Group and December 17 for the Carbon Solution Business Group. The meetings were attended by a total of 17 national staff and resident employees from eight overseas offices, engaging in active discussions.

In the LNG Group meeting, the group shared its position and role in the medium-term management plan as well as recent progress. Each office presented a review of their activities over the past year and discussed current challenges. Furthermore, they deliberated on marketing strategies in each region as future action plans. By continuously strengthening integrated marketing between shore and marine/technical teams, the group aims to enhance competitiveness and pursue new projects through collaboration across all locations.

Global meeting
LNG Group commemorative photo

The Carbon Solution Business Group meeting focused on liquified CO2 transportation as one of the businesses to support the decarbonization of society, and participants discussed business strategies with members from overseas offices. As a part of the “K” LINE Group’s liquified CO2 transportation business, the newly built liquefied CO2 carrier “NORTHERN PIONEER” was delivered and entered service in the Northern Lights project, the world’s first full-scale CCS value chain project. By sharing knowledge gained from this project and contributing to the development of CCS projects with liquefied CO2 shipping that will sequentially begin to operate in Japan and overseas in the future, we aim for realizing a sustainable society and increasing “K” LINE’s corporate value.

Going forward, “K” LINE plans to regularly hold global meetings to share the ideal vision of the department from a global perspective, strengthen inter-office collaboration and activities at each office, and enhance competitiveness through improved customer-focused services. As the energy mix transitions, “K” LINE is committed to providing high-quality transportation services and contributing to the decarbonization of both the company and society.

Notice Concerning Setting Record Date for Voting Rights at Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders / Notice Concerning the transition to the “Company with Nominating Committee”

Please be advised that “K” Line Tokyo Head Office made the following press releases today.  Please refer to the attached PDF documents.

This information is also available on the Website both in English and Japanese.

  • Notice Concerning Setting Record Date for Voting Rights at Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Notice Concerning the transition to the “Company with Nominating Committee, etc. “.

TT Club applauds UK Parliamentary calls for more resource to tackle freight crime

The specialist freight transport insurer has long campaigned for heightening awareness of freight crime and the need for additional security and policing resources.  TT therefore greatly welcomed the recent cross-party parliamentary debate on the issue, and the resulting support for increased Governmental resource to resolve the growing risk.

London, 12th December 2024

The UK’s House of Commons debate held earlier this month was a significant step in highlighting an issue that has a high degree of impact on public safety and the UK’s economy, in particular its future growth much relied upon by the current Government. It also acknowledged the lack of resource specifically targeted at fighting freight crime.   

National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (NaVCIS) is under-supported and under-funded. Their specialist freight crime investigation team currently has just one full-time serving police officer on secondment, a part-time analyst and a part-time data entry clerk. It does not have the resources to tackle organised crime on a national scale.

TT has long supported NaVCIS financially and practically. Mike Yarwood its MD Loss Prevention said, “We very much welcomed the airing of this issue at a legislative level.  The detailed aspects of both opportunistic and well planned theft; the lack of secure overnight parking facilities; the identification of crime hotspots as well as concerns over driver safety, which is discouraging female recruits, were all discussed and their significance put into perspective as priorities to be addressed.”

The UK’s road haulage industry, which moves 89% of all goods and 98% of agricultural and food products in the country contributes £13.5 billion to the economy. This represents 5.6% of the UK’s GDP. Every pound generated by the logistics industry creates three pounds down the supply chain and contributes to the economy, highlighting the widespread impact of freight crime for the UK.

Pointing to these facts Rachel Taylor MP, who led the parliamentary debate outlined the principle political implication, “Tackling freight crime is essential to achieving the Government’s five missions,” she said.

TT will maintain its efforts. Yarwood is vice-chair of the industry-led HGV Parking Capacity and Standards Task and Finish group, which the UK’s Department for Transport helped establish. Yarwood is leading the workstream focused on standards at lorry parking facilities and working with NaVCIS Freight and other industry stakeholders is producing an industry led report, which will advise the government on recommendations to reduce freight crime. 

“Our report is aimed at providing a detailed analysis of the current state of freight crime and offer practical solutions to enhance security and reduce incidents. In underscoring the importance of industry and government working together to safeguard the logistics sector, we hope our collaboration will encourage others to add their weight to the efforts fight crime,” concluded Yarwood.


About TT Club

TT Club is the established market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. Its mission is to make the industry safer, more secure and more sustainable. Established in 1968, TT Club currently services more than 1400 Members – container owners, operators, ports, terminals and logistics companies, working across maritime, road, rail and air. The Club is renowned for its high-quality service, in-depth industry knowledge and enduring Member loyalty. Its average annual customer retention rate is consistently over 95%, with some Members having chosen to insure with the Club for over 50 years.

“K” Line : Unveiling event of Geo-Survey Vessel EK HAYATE

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.

Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.

“K” Line Wind Service, Ltd.

EGS Survey Pte Ltd

EK Geotechnical Survey LLC

EK Geotechnical Survey LLC (EKGS), which is a joint venture between “K” Line Wind Service (KWS, a joint venture between Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. (“K” LINE) and Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha Ltd. (“K” LINE KINKAI)) and EGS Survey Pte. Ltd. (EGS) held an unveiling event for the marine geotechnical survey vessel EK HAYATE at Hiroshima Port during the last week of November. Around 120 visitors toured the vessel, mostly comprising representatives from the offshore development sectors of wind power generation, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and marine infrastructure construction.

Unveiling Event

Geotechnical survey can clarify the subsurface structure of the seabed, to determine feasible areas for the implementation of offshore wind power and consider the layout planning and design of the facilities. The Japanese-owned and flagged vessel is currently based in Hiroshima and is available for forward booking for geotechnical survey campaigns in 2025. The twin tower drilling apparatus has an established track record with EK HAYATE’s former sistership which proved invaluable for securing early confirmation of compatibility between vessel and deck operations.

Sampling, in-situ testing and laboratory test services are coupled with stable station-holding capabilities to deliver an efficient survey program.

In addition to EK HAYATE, EKGS will continue to provide high-quality marine survey services by utilizing “K” LINE Group’s and EGS Group’s respective vessels to meet demand in this busy sector.

Length Overall78m
Deck Area750㎡
Total Berths50 people
 (including the vessel’s crew)
FlagClass NK
Home PortKure (Hiroshima)


KWS is a joint venture between “K” LINE and (“K” LINE KINKAI) and has been functioning, since its establishment in 2021, as a business platform of “K” LINE Group for any vessel and transportation business servicing Offshore Wind projects in order to contribute to the offshore wind development to reach carbon neutrality in Japan by 2050. KWS will continue to provide offshore support vessel services with “K” LINE Group’s fleet and further expand the expertise to various types of offshore wind vessels.


EGS Survey Pte Ltd is part of the EGS Group. Founded in 1974, EGS is a marine survey company with offices around the world, including Asia, Australia, Americas, Europe and the Middle East. EGS provides marine geological survey services for offshore infrastructure development including renewable energy, oil and gas and telecommunications and has a strong reputation for professional integrity in data acquisition, analysis and reporting. In Japan’s coastal waters, EGS has over 20 years of track record of survey services for submarine telecommunication cables.

Related Release

―Delivery of geo-survey vessel EK HAYATE to Japan―

KLPL Carried Out Emergency Response Drill

“K” Line Pte. Ltd. (KLPL), a Singapore-based subsidiary that is wholly owned by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), carried out “the Emergency Response Drill” on December 10, 2024, assuming a maritime accident involving an oil tanker operated by K Marine Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (KMSM). The drill was based on a scenario where the vessel ran aground after an engine malfunction during anchoring operations at the port of Kikuma, at which time it began leaking oil and some of its crew were injured. KLPL established an accident response task force, discussed the response with KMSM, coordinated with internal and external parties and confirmed the information sharing system in order to verify the emergency response framework.

Safety in navigation and cargo operations is “K” LINE Group’s top priority as a shipping company, requiring thorough, ongoing efforts of this nature. In its Medium-Term Management Plan, the “K” LINE Group has positioned “Safety and Ship quality management” as its strength. Moving forward, the Group will continue to contribute to society by preparing for unforeseen circumstances through “the Emergency Response Drill” and by ensuring daily safe operations of its vessels.

Related link

Learn more about “K” LINE’s initiatives for safety in navigation and cargo operations at the following link: